question from a NJW regarding a family JW in medical condition

by maggie221 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • alw

    joyzabel, thanks so very much for that info,it would seem its another deception by the borg, fancy trying to fool the human rights org.!

    so much for unity, the woman that was df for taking blood about 2or 3 years ago here actually died not long after and her daughter was so upset about it all,it was a type of cancer and i think she was really going to die soon from it whatever, however the elders df her and her daughter feels that now she was df she will never see her again as she will not even get a ressurection.

    i believe the elders could have let her die in peace, they could have at least stalled their witch hunt, so her daughter and family wouldnt have to go through the agony they have been through.

    i am so glad i am no longer in there.

    thanks again for the info i will be printing it out . mr.alw

  • unique1

    GO SEE HIM!!! There is nothing preventing you from doing so. There are no JW rules against having family with you in difficult circumstances. When he told you it was unnecessicary for you to come, he was just trying to show he was strong and keep you and the rest of the family from feeling the same pain he is. Even Non-JW's do this. So go to him. Show family support. He needs it.

    If things turn for the worse and your cousin does not make it, there will be a memorial service of some kind. Most either choose cremation with a small service at the Kingdom Hall OR they go through the funeral home for everything and just provide the funeral home with Kingdom Music and have one of the Elders at the Hall do the service as opposed to a preacher. There will be a service of some kind and all family (even non-JW) should and have always (in my experience) been invited. I have even see Ex-JW's at family funerals.

    Best wishes, I hope your cousin pulls though!!!

  • unique1

    Oh and by the way you WILL NOT get anyone in trouble by going to the hospital to be with your family.

  • iiz2cool

    Welcome to the board! Sorry to hear about your cousin's accident. By all means, go and visit him, no matter what anyone says. JWs have a bad habit of trying to distance their "worldly" relatives. Don't let them! You may be their only lifeline to a normal existance.


  • LMS-Chef

    I wouldn't worry about getting anyone in trouble. THe family is very important to God, that is why he set it up. You need to go see your cousin, if not for his father for him. I am not a jw anymore and when I got real sick not one jw came to see me. It mad me very mad, and reaffirmed my beliefe that I would never be one again. Don't let your cousin feel this way. Love is the most important thing in the world, he needs his family to show it before it is too late. i hope he does get better. Take care,


  • Dragonlady76

    So sorry to hear this Maggie ((((((for you and your family)))))) It's your family and you have every right to be there, by all means go and show your support and concern, blood is thicker than water and no JW should make you feel insignificant. Good luck and I hope your cousin pulls through.


  • pisces

    Welcome to the board Maggie. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin, I hope he gets better. I agree with everyone else who has replied, you should go visit him. Please keep us all posted. Pisces

  • maggie221

    Looks like things are turning for the worse, my uncle called us this morning and said that his leg was getting amputated .. My aunts and uncles went to the hospital.. I heard from my other cousin who is JW telling us that if the elders etc. would leave then the family would probably give him blood. I say us family (all of the NJWs) should all go up and show our support. Thing is, we are in INdiana and they are in New York... so sad :( I don't see how they are going to amputate his leg without giving him blood..

  • jgnat

    As others have said, maggie, concentrate on being the good cousin and go and visit if you can. You won't get your uncle in trouble for being there. This may be the last chance to see your cousin.

    This is not a good time to bring up the pro's and con's about blood. Those steadfast in their belief would only see your well-meaning efforts as an attack. You never know, the doctors can sometimes work miracles if they can stop the bleeding.

    I know the Uncle has not been prepared by the society for the other outcome, that in emergency situations patients often die without blood. He is probably hoping for that last-minute cure that will allow him to keep his faith AND keep his son at the same time. He will need you guys, the non-JW family, around him to comfort him and provide support in case he loses his son.

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