Hello, GodRules.
You may think you were being courteous in your initial response to tattoogrl, but in fact you were unkind in questioning her sincerity. When responding on a discussion board, you should assume that questions are sincere until you have good reason to think otherwise.
You wondered why she (or ANYONE) would post questions to this board looking for answers to JW-related issues. The answer is simple... they want the whole truth, something that is not always on display (or even available) to the average JW. That's not a slam on JWs, per se, but it IS the truth. Certain questions are not to be answered even if the answer is known. Being blunt and too matter-of-fact may lead to a prospect wiggling off the line (so to speak) and a study (potential convert?) being lost. You know that's true.
I have a question for you. I hope you will do better with this type of question than other JWs I have questioned in the past. I will assume that your activity here is sincere...
You asked tattoogrl:
You are asking the point of view of those that are enemies of Jehovah's Witnesses and that many are disfellowshipped. So, what do you think the answer is going to be? Of course they are going to say that disfellowshipping is unfair, what else are they going to say? That in itself shows they are unrepentant. The sister explained it to you correctly, if the person shows repentance, then he/she will not be disfellowshipped.
Do you REALLY believe that, or are you just parotting the company line? Here's why I ask:
I know of a JW couple, both raised in the truth, both baptized as teens. Married eight... ten years. Not a good marriage. There is a separation. She moves out of their home and into a new residence of her ownn across town.
Making a long story short, she is guilty of adultery, but the story she tells the elders is not the one she confesses to a close friend (who then tells the story to the husband). When she sees the very likely possibility of the elders finding out, she "confesses", and thru her tears and well chosen words, they decide she is repentant, even after hearing of the second, differing story. She is put on public reproof.
The husband later commits adultery. It's the type of one night affair that will never become known... EVER. Yet, cut to his heart, having been caught up in a situation, he seeks out the elders. He confesses of his own accord, holding nothing back, but not showing a lot of emotion, since he's not that emotive. He IS disfellowshipped.
Restating my question:
Do you really believe that the only reason for which a person is df'd is because of lack of repentance?