I havent been out yet, but cant wait! I took lessons about 2 years ago, so Im not that great. My chipping sucks, but I can drive those little suckers pretty far! (sometimes right past the green on the par 3's right into the woods! ) Anyone else gulf?
I believe I smell "gulf " in the air!
by ButtLight 24 Replies latest jw friends
that'll be the DU.
Country Girl
The closer I get to Mexico, the more I can smell Gulf in the air, too. CG
Ok, ok, I know how to spell golf! It was suppose to be funny. But I dont want everyone to think Im the dumb blonde that I am!
I like driving them balls.....
but haven't done that in a while...
so jesus and moses were playing golf one day when they come to the short par 3 across the lake...moses takes his 7 iron and hits to the middle of the green but it bounces on and comes to rest in the fringe...jesus says im going to hit a 9 iron and stop it closer...moses says dont be daft you will never reach...i will i will jesus says ive seen tiger woods do this...so he hits the 9 iron the ball goes straight up in the air and lands in the middle of the lake...oh no says jesus and turns to moses and says gonna part the water so i can play it from there..indeed i will not says moses walk out there and find it your self...so thats what jesus does...while hes walking out across the lake the guys behind come up to the tee and watching the figure on the lake ask......"who the hell does he think he is?--jesus christ" no says moses dryly....tiger woods
jt stumbler
I too like to galf. Getting pretty expensive for a po boy like me
There's about 5 golf courses in this city. If I knew someone here who played, maybe I'd go.
Oh... I thought you meant you smell "Golf" (a poster that sends obnoxious pm's ) in the air! That I could relate too. Just kidding! (not really)
Does pee-wee golf count?!!! lol
Golf, who posts here on JWD, is a great golf player. He even wrote a book about it.
A must read...