When I was wholeheartedly "in the Truth" I loved the school, I loved the talks and I love doing my own. I always got creative, maybe it was because I did become a Witness until I was 18, so thinking outside the box was easier for me. The friends always enjoyed my talks. It did bother me though that the elders would assign talks based on what they thought that sister should be working on personally. For example, a sister was being divorced by her husband, and the elder would assign a talk about the sanctity of marriage and forgivness, etc.
But, the few meetings I attended years after being Df'd gave me a different perspective....the presentations seemed so fake, the responses from the other sister playing the householder seemed so robotic, something I just could not see when I was a part of it all.
Looking back I am thankfull for the public speaking practice and stuff, that has proven useful.
That's the Truth to Me