I prefer the latter!
Paula Abdul and Corey Clark - who believes or who cares?
by TresHappy 18 Replies latest social entertainment
Robert K Stock
Tempest in a tea cup. It will not hurt American Idol or Paula Abdul. It will bring more viewers and Corey Clark gets an extra 15 minutes of fame.
There are women I have had sex with I would rather not tell the public about and I know that some of them feel the same about me.
Don't believe. CC is an attention monger who came up with a good story to get his 15 minutes.
Couldn't give a rats ass about Corey Clark.
As far as Abdul, I don't wish her harm, and I hope nothing happens to her career. Either way, it won't change my life any. Though a lot of people would be disappointed if she left American Idol.
I watched Prime Time tonight.
Damn...I wonder how long it will be before one of the female singers who got bumped comes forward and says she slept with Simon, or Randy?
I've never seen American Idol....couldn't care less.
Me either, EvilForce. Never got into the show. I don't watch a lot of TV or keep up with Idol news so I didn't know there was a scandal surrounding Paula and this Corey person.
Last I heard about her was some stuff about her acting weird, people thinking she was on drugs, and her issuing some sort of explanation about a condition I'd never heard of before. Seems like she's getting more than her share of negative attention lately.
I really don't care. Also, if the two of them did fool around I don't see any impropriety because the "Judges" really are not judges... they are commentators who are offering their opinions and then the public votes. If she influcened the audience in their voting, she was doing exactly what her job was - to influence the voters.
Regarding the actions of the guy, going around bragging about ?doing? Paula, I find that greatly lacking in taste. Apparently he does not understand the idea of discretion.
Didn't watch it and i could give a rats butt what any of them do.
I agree with Elsewhere, the guy is a complete tool to go around mouthing off about what happened. In my opinion he came off as a big scumbag in that interview last night.