Eugenics, the foundational building block of "superior/inferior race" thinking. Ugh!
Watchtower Gem of the (Golden) Ages.
by avengers 14 Replies latest jw friends
That was in a 1921 issue of The Golden Age? I might have that on CD. I will check tonight, and if I have it will try to post the whole article the quote came from. --VM44
The article should have continued with...."And a man who's nose is beet red, with veins bulging out of it from drinking to much frickin vodka, shouldn't ever be president of the Watchtower Society".
AMEN !!!
Btw: I got your PM, but I have been out of my office. I will PM you shortly with some info.
Jim W.
LOL Hilarious, but is that seriously a real quote from a magazine?
The quote is very real. It was Jehovah's Spirit which inspired these God-fearing men to utter such wise truths.
They still had J's Spirit in those days. lol. Andy -
Here is the complete article. My first impression after a first reading is ...."Is this a New Age article?" --VM44
The Golden Age for January 19, 1921,
A Journal of Fact Hope and Convictionpage 224
Color & Character (thr)
Yellow Orange Red Violet Blue Green Black
Color and Physiognomy
Individuality is polarized in the face.
Emotional, mental, moral, and physical states
of being are unfailingly mirrored there. Not
only are the passing emotions pictured on this
sensitive screen, but the four basic principles
of all intelligent and morally responsible life
have permanent citadels on the visage of man
-in perfect man a veritable uninvadable te-
trarchy.The eyes, "the windows of the soul," are the
most delicately responsive centers of perception
-inquiring, inviting, retiring, inciting. If there
is "nobody home" inside there will be no lights
at the windows. No one has lived very long who
does not know the power of a single glance to
ravish the senses of a whole roomful of people.
Yellow is the color of wisdom, and yellow in the
normal coloring of the eye has from time im-
memorial been recognized as indicative of sagac-
ity, astuteness, acumen. As a matter of course,
there are no wholly yellow eyes, but it will be
borne in mind that yellow is one of the principal
constitutents of brown and hazel. Furthermore,
it is often observed in a gray eye that yellowish
rays emanate as from the pupil toward the cir-
cumference of the iris.A "blue nose" is a symbol of
austerity, with perhaps a prud-
ish tinge. Both of these quali-
ities are but perversions of jus-
tice - lines of conduct wherein
conscience predominates over
common sense. The size of the
nose, as also the size of the
eyes, is not without signifi-
cance. The small-nose man
cannot have a judicial mind, whatever his other
excellencies may be. And a man whose nose
upturns can no more be expected to administer
justice than a pug dog can be expected to act as
a shepherd."Ruby lips" need no introduction as the
stronghold of love, the fortress of sensuous per-
ception. Their covering merges from the epi-
dermal tissue of the outer body to the epithelial
lining of the inner organism; and on this rosy
frontier more of the world's history than is
suspected has been fraught. The thick lip is
the sensual lip; the large mouth is the generous
mouth. The small mouth knows no love.Now comes the black ear! What maternal
solicitude has been directed to its eradication,
and here it is justifying its existence as the base
of power. It occupies a position about equally
distant from the three other poles. But what-
ever its color, its size and position and setting
are certainly indicative of force. The orifice of
the ear in the fully balanced man is said to be
in the geometric center of the profile head.