
by carla 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TheWord
    (Quotes politely declines to feed the troll )

    I didn't learn about the 607 lie until long after I was out.

    I did recently send my mom a copy of the K.I.S.S. 607 BCE analysis; but I also sent it with a few other things. So far, she has commented on the other things but not yet on the 607 item. I assume that means she either (a) didn't understand; or (b) thinks it is not significant.

    ~Quotes, of the "don't be offended by my use of the word troll; the only other possible explaination is insanity but I don't want to assume the worst" class

    Define Troll.

  • TheWord
    You meant "insight" right?

    (freudian slip?)

    The scriptures Incite to fine works. You missed the point of understanding. The Faithful Slave

  • carla

    You claim you can prove 1914 by the Bible! amazing, you would be one of the first jw's to do so. Even the elder I met with couldn't do that. Your next statement, learn to love one another, that is truly a lovely sentiment. Would you please advise the WT of this? Seeing as that I do not see much 'love' on the part of active jw's. I see broken homes, broken relationships, abused children, protected pedophiles, broken marriages etc..etc... I have never had a discussion with a jw that was able to stay on topic or actually prove anything using scripture only. In fact, I find the ones I have talked to quite lazy and certainly no lovers of truth. Lovers of a man made org? Yes! They are lazy because they are unwilling to do even the slightest bit of research on any given topic. It does not go against God to question the publications of the org. Unless of course you equate the org=God. Which most jw's do. I have even found some so called historical research done by the org that was so out of date it hadn't been taught by anyone, since the early 20's! Not to even mention their bizzare views on science. Then there is their 'unscholarly' Bibical work to contend with. You are not interested in any 'truth', just protecting the org. at all costs, even at the cost of truth. When people on boards like this have found out they were lied to they decided to see what else they were lied to about. Compare it to a spouse that just found out the other had an affair, what usually will happen is the wronged spouse will begin to check phone records, credit card records, coat pockets etc....To find out if the affair is still going on, after the spouse claimed he/she would end it. Isn't that a normal response? Once you get burned you become very careful. The people on boards like this have tremendous courage, they cared that much about truth, they were willing to risk being shunned and abused by family members because they did care about real truth. And even after the mistreatment of family members (often just because they had different viewpoint) they still want a relationship with the abusive family members. Why? Because they know what love really means, not some conditional love that the wt espouses. Many of these people have not left God, they left a man made cult that is destructive and certainly does not teach anything of God. By the way, your name alone is Blaphemous, calling yourself The Word, you should be ashamed of yourself, carla

  • IP_SEC
    You claim you can prove 1914 by the Bible! amazing, you would be one of the first jw's to do so. Even the elder I met with couldn't do that.

    Sorry, I havent read this whole thread but this statement caught my eye.

    Truer words have never been spoken. 99% of all dubs get sweety palms and glazed eyes when you start in on the 7 times and how do we know how long a 'time' is and a day fer a year, bla blah blah.

    I can explain it, no problem, scriptures and all. But even if 607 is the right date, there are sooooo many things about the 7 times that have problems.

    First, there really is no reason to give this significance past Nebo Chad's time. It was about him going insane for 7 years, thats it. Not everything has to have dual fulfilment.

    Second... well dont even get me started on the day for a year tripe. Bollocks!!! *love that word*

    But add to this that 607 is 20 years off from when dubs start their convoluted count and... its pure crap.

    Put a gun to a dubs head and ask em to explain 1914, 99 out of 100 will die from their ignorance and the societys stupidity.

    Soap box off.

    Edited for numerous spellin mistakes

  • undercover

    Since we're jumping up on soap boxes...

    Here's my pet peeve:

    Even if 607 is right (which it ain't..but for argument's sake I'm willing to say okay, whatever, 607 it is...) the math doesn't add up. According to the WTS a time is not a full year but 360 days. They've got their favorite scriptures to try to prove that. Then they figure up that the Gentile Times is 2520 years or times long. But they've already established that a 'time' is not a full year. 607 to 1914 is 2520 years of 365 days not 360 days. 2520 years or 'times' of 360 days is roughly 35 years short of 1914. So 607, 606, 586, 587, it don't matter. The freaking math don't add up.

  • OldSoul

    Excellent point, undercover!

  • IP_SEC

    I hear you there undercover,

    The way the wts gets around that is, Yes ok a time is 360 days, a 'time' is not a year which is 365.25 days.

    But since we is doing a day for a year, each of those days in a 'time' becomes a year. Now true the Joos used a 360 day a year calander but they added intercalulary days to keep up with the solar year.

    So a time is not a year, its 360 days. Each one of those days in the 'time' shall be assigned as one year = 365.25 days.

    Its soooo simple yall, I cant believe dubs dont get it. (ya im being a smart ass)

    Sorry, I really should read this thread to make sure this isnt a hijack.... mmm Ill do it later. :P

  • TheWord

    You claim you can prove 1914 by the Bible! amazing, you would be one of the first jw's to do so. Even the elder I met with couldn't do that.

    Your next statement, learn to love one another, that is truly a lovely sentiment. Would you please advise the WT of this? Seeing as that I do not see much 'love' on the part of active jw's. I see broken homes, broken relationships, abused children, protected pedophiles, broken marriages etc..etc... I have never had a discussion with a jw that was able to stay on topic or actually prove anything using scripture only. In fact, I find the ones I have talked to quite lazy and certainly no lovers of truth. Lovers of a man made org? Yes! They are lazy because they are unwilling to do even the slightest bit of research on any given topic. It does not go against God to question the publications of the org. Unless of course you equate the org=God. Which most jw's do. I have even found some so called historical research done by the org that was so out of date it hadn't been taught by anyone, since the early 20's! Not to even mention their bizzare views on science. Then there is their 'unscholarly' Bibical work to contend with. You are not interested in any 'truth', just protecting the org. at all costs, even at the cost of truth. When people on boards like this have found out they were lied to they decided to see what else they were lied to about. Compare it to a spouse that just found out the other had an affair, what usually will happen is the wronged spouse will begin to check phone records, credit card records, coat pockets etc....To find out if the affair is still going on, after the spouse claimed he/she would end it. Isn't that a normal response? Once you get burned you become very careful. The people on boards like this have tremendous courage, they cared that much about truth, they were willing to risk being shunned and abused by family members because they did care about real truth. And even after the mistreatment of family members (often just because they had different viewpoint) they still want a relationship with the abusive family members. Why? Because they know what love really means, not some conditional love that the wt espouses. Many of these people have not left God, they left a man made cult that is destructive and certainly does not teach anything of God. By the way, your name alone is Blaphemous, calling yourself The Word, you should be ashamed of yourself, carla

    You talk about human traits, not Godly traits. Jehovah did not raise all in truth and discernment. Otherwise they would all be perfect. Jehovah chooses those that teach others in righteousness and faith. The Kingdom of GOD is what will bring JEHOVAHs and JESUS CHRISTs arrangement upon the earth. Is it out of Love in your heart that you say I should be ashamed? Are you setting the example of Love in this forum? Continue to ask and I will provide Truth and Understanding directly from the Bible The Faithful Slave

  • undercover

    So then shouldn't the Gentile TIMES be the Gentile YEARS??

    They come up with all this bullshit to prove a time is 360 days so they can come up with 2520 years but then conveniently turn a time back into years so it can add up to 1914. In the immortal words of Fletcher(Outlaw Josey Wales): don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

    As far as hijacking the thread...just consider it as taking it back from the wordtroll

  • TheWord
    Put a gun to a dubs head and ask em to explain 1914, 99 out of 100 will die from their ignorance and the societys stupidity.

    607 is not a correct date by any means. Correct for what? I can prove 1914 as the beginning of pangs of distress. This is easy, and could have fooled anyone into thinking that this was the birth of the Kingdom of GOD. Why argue over mans teaching, but instead forgive one another as Jesus Christ taught.

    The Faithful Slave of JAH and CHRIST

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