I voted for the first time this past presidential election. I was nervous too. Seems silly I guess but it was all new to me
Losing my virginity today!
by Crumpet 21 Replies latest jw friends
(rubs hands with glee as she notes pants are already catching on across the pond!)
Thanks for the link Rachel - have tried it but obviously my mixed and confused politics have baffled the thing and it wont display my results! Damn!
oh it worked finally! and this was my result
Your actual outcome:
Labour -1 Conservative 30 Liberal Democrat 17 UKIP 33 Green 51
You should vote: GreenThe Green Party, which is of course strong on environmental issues, takes a strong position on welfare issues, but was firmly against the war in Iraq. Other key concerns are cannabis, where the party takes a liberal line, and foxhunting, which unsurprisingly the Greens are firmly against. The Greens are also anti-Europe.
To think I was going to vote Lib Dems! Thanks again Rachel!
I was going to suggest wearing something low-cut if you intend to make your political candidates flush with voter envy Some nice slingbacks....a nice brocade jacket and bustier perhaps?
- Preston
Why don't you sell your Voting Virginity on Ebay like that other girl did?!
oh preston darling! I'll definitely wear slingbacks (they are like sandals right). and I am already wearing the colour of the party I am going to vote for rather amazingly! it feels almost fateful.
what would you wear if you were coming to the scout hut to vote with me?
Don't let them fool you, they all belong to the same club just different 'bus' drivers. They take you to the same destination.
Golf -
I don't know enough about who's who on your side of the pond to give real advice but Robert A. Heinlein put it very well. "If you're not sure who to vote for find some well meaning fool (there's always one around) ask him what he's doing, then do the exact opposite."
what would you wear if you were coming to the scout hut to vote with me?
hmmm...i rather like my Eddie Bauer white dress pants and my long sleeved black GAP dress shirt ... dressy, yet sexy
"If you're not sure who to vote for find some well meaning fool (there's always one around) ask him what he's doing, then do the exact opposite."
rightho jeffT I shall ask my significant other when we get there?! LOL!
And Golf point taken - I just feel I should vote anyway - any thing I can do to rattle Tony's cage!