Are you feeling more secure since Setember 11th ?
How Do You Think The "War on Terror" is Going??
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
jt stumbler
I will not feel secure until our borders are. We are being invaded by illigals north and south.
I feel just a little safer at the airports. I felt "safest" when the National Guard was in the airports, but that was only while in the airports. We flew in December 2001. I never felt safer. On the ground. I approve of the increased baggage screaning, but it gives even more excuses for someone to riffle your belongings and increased opportunity for theft by (now Federal) government employees.
I feel that more money on terrorism could be spent in schools on quality of education, anti-drug education, sex education, mental health issues and screening, and parenting, including working with the parents. We have had more incidents of homegrown terrorism than we have ever had of international terrorists attacks on US soil, sans military.
Since when have illegal boarder crossers been responsible for terrorist acts on US soil? Hmm? The men involved in the 911 attacks came into this country through legal means. (Only one had intent and was crossing legally from Vancouver Brittish Columbia to the US by car or van.)
I'm a bit confused. Is it a war against terror, or a war, on the topic "terror." From the way things are going, I can't really tell.
zen nudist
I dont know all the players in this game but one thing seems certain...
the fun-dumb-entalists of this country are using it to encrouch on the freedoms of us all...slowly but surely they are
dominating all aspects of public life to bring about some sort of anti-american theocracy... they seem bent on total control of all in the name of Gee-zuss
i don't feel any safer at all. the systems, and new systems, in place are poorly organized and poorly linked from what i understand. we're possibly headed for a *real* energy crisis that the so called "war on terror" is not helping at all. if anything, it is spreading more terror. now, the chinese all want hum-vee's to drive to 7-11 with while we are fighting for oil in iraq and threatening and offending iran and north korea. Bush is drinking scotch down at the old-boy's club while prisoner abuse scandals blow up in our faces.
i don't feel safer, and i live in canada. we have crappy security systems too. but the worst is being geographically located right next to the states. i wish i were an aussie or a kiwi at this point. (what's the term for a citizen of antartica?) -
Personally, I think it's all fear-mongering to keep us on edge and incite hate for anyone and anything that does not fit into a mould of pro-extreme-right-wing-christianity-my-way-or-the-boarder-you're-either-with-us-or-against-us-pseudo-elitism.
So "War on Terror" is really a misnomer, it should be "War for Terror!", and it appears to be going swell.
I agree with Brenda and Zen.
And I do feel threatened by the loss of personal freedoms and the "assault" of the religious right.
Hate terrorism.... Hate war....Feel that war is necessary to fight terrorism....Feel stuck and unable to see a way out of the current catch 22....
I think many believe this is all hype. I'm not in that camp.