Must Read!

by Non-JW 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • love2Bworldly

    Enjoyed your information from this standpoint--there are lurker JWs who secretly read this website and I hope they read your post. The JWs are pretty good at their brainwashing methods, however.

  • kls

    Non-jw , don't hit and run come back.

    Well if you are still around ,,,,,Welcome

  • upside/down
    Do you want to trust your eternal soul to the teachings of several men headquartered in Brooklyn, New York who claim to be the directors of God's organization on earth? Do you? Eternity is a long time to be wrong.

    All "militant christian" to use the same fear the WTS does...

    Do you really believe that an Almight "creator" would actually LET peoples everlasting welfare be dictated in such a rediculous fashion? If you say "yes", than count me out.

    One thing the Witnesses did get right in the beginning.... "Religion is a SNARE and a RACKET". Nothing more true has ever emanated from the posse in Brooklyn (or was it Allegheny NY?)...

    u/d (of the meet the new boss same as the old boss class)

  • hmike

    On the surface, there is nothing to indicate this is an "apostate" site. I was surprised to find most people here were disillusioned ex-JWs.

    Will Non-JW stay? Or is he/she an intererent preacher like nedryerson and "Free Will" danielweatherlee? You know--leave a tract and move on?

    I read some of the long thread about 06-06-06. Between the other posts and those from TheWord, it looks like you all have been well-warned.

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