GaryBuss: My association was absolutely worthless to the Jehovah's Witness community and my association is not wanted in some rather large former Jehovah's Witness circles. On that level, I've even failed as a former Witness.
I am more concerned about your path to recovery. Does that mean that you have to:
- Repent of your apostate apostate ways; turn around and become a normal apostate.
- Then, Repent from those apostate ways; turn around and become a reinstated jw?
Actually, mathematically the apostasy from the apostasy should be a complete 360-degree turn. This in and of itself makes you eligible for jw re-instatement.
You have found the perfect loophole. Your apostasy from an apostate group completely nullifies your initial apostasy from the jws.
(And you thought the 1914 thingy was hard to come up with!)