Is e-watchman trying to ape

by uriah 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ljwtiamb
    GaryBuss: My association was absolutely worthless to the Jehovah's Witness community and my association is not wanted in some rather large former Jehovah's Witness circles. On that level, I've even failed as a former Witness.

    I am more concerned about your path to recovery. Does that mean that you have to:

    1. Repent of your apostate apostate ways; turn around and become a normal apostate.
    2. Then, Repent from those apostate ways; turn around and become a reinstated jw?

    Actually, mathematically the apostasy from the apostasy should be a complete 360-degree turn. This in and of itself makes you eligible for jw re-instatement.

    You have found the perfect loophole. Your apostasy from an apostate group completely nullifies your initial apostasy from the jws.

    (And you thought the 1914 thingy was hard to come up with!)

  • BrendaCloutier

    ljwtiamb, now THAT is deep. Deep what, I'm not sure, but I think you may be onto whatever it is....


  • garybuss

    Lol @ ljwtiamb

    I am banned from a certain forum run by former Jehovah's Witnesses because I am not a Christian. :-) It's kind of the f^ing you get for the f^ing you got. I'm glad it happened. It's kind of made me stop and rethink a few things. I'm a little less open and trusting of the ex Witness community than I was 10 years ago.

    There are those who leave the Witnesses and believe everybody should leave and become Trinitarian Christians or non-Trinitarian Christians or whatever and they seal their worlds to reflect their outlooks. That's fine. I have no problem with that.

    It's ironic to me. I know at times I tend to be the irreverent skeptic. The Christians don't like to be called on to prove a dogmatic statement any more than the Witness people do. I like to be challenged. It's how I learn.

  • OldSoul
    garybuss: those who leave the Witnesses and believe everybody should...

    ...[fill in the blank]. I'm right there with you, man. Why did they even bother leaving? It's as though the only reason that kind of Witness left is because they couldn't be the ones to decide everything for everyone.

    Of course, I feel the same about people implying that everyone should "grow up, leave all that childish religious crap, and become an (atheist, agnostic, evolutionist) like I did." Anyone pushing someone else down a path of discovery really gets my Skivvies in a twist.

    Leading and questioning helps other people reason their path out for themselves. Pushing, pulling, or stepping on others betrays a very poor self-image, in my book.


  • outoftheorg

    Garrybuss, there are those who can't function comfortably with out some mystical belief.

    They are incapeable of living life as it is in reality. They need something that requires they do just so, to a set of rules that they can't possibly completely follow. Thus the fear and the anger if YOU disturb this situation.

    Now throw in a mysterious god figure and things like angels and satan and demons and unknowable and unseeable events of the distant past and project them forward as indicators of what is about to happen.

    These people need a fearful mantle over them and their lives. A gloom and doom attitude just seems to fit them so nicely.

    It reminds me of when I was about 8 yrs. old and I and 3 other kids assigned a ghost to an old delapitated house. As darkness was falling we would sneak upon that house and convince ourselves that this place had ghosts = demons= in it and scare the crap out of ourselves and each other.

    If anyone tried to deprive us of this, we would get angry with them and stomp our way home.

    Our thoughts were "DON'T INTERFERE WITH OUR GHOST and the gleeful fear it brings us to scare ourselves by using the non existant ghost to tickle our fears.

    They just never did grow up and become adults .


  • OldSoul

    Thanks for that example of what I was talking about, Outoftheorg.

    A question: Since you acknowledge they "can't function comfortably without" a God, would you deprive them their comfort?

  • garybuss

    OldSoul, I guess we all go our own directions after we leave our groups. I can benefit from everyone and everyone is welcome to post under me and email me.

    Outoftheorg, You wrote:

    They are incapable of living life as it is in reality.

    I had my bumpy times too. I wish them all well. I hope they found whatever it was they were looking for. I was born to Witness parents and I wasn't religious as a Witness. I always had an inquiring mind. I always wanted to know how and why things worked. When I applied my logical mind to religion and theism, religion and theism didn't measure up to the claims.

    I was having coffee one day with a theist and he told me prayer works. Our coffee cups were empty. I told him, you pray for your refill and I'll go to the kitchen and you tell me which works faster, prayer or human action. He laughed.

  • Carmel

    Hey, watchman booted me off without explanation. Says to contact the administrator, but it won't allow you to do so. Guess it comes around doesn't it? Second Dfing in my life.


  • outoftheorg

    DEPRIVE them of their god?

    No that is not something for me to do. That is up to them and only them.

    Depending on their abilities "as I see them" I might gently try to disabuse them of some of their beliefs and expectations. If they seem ready to search into their beliefs.

    My previous post was not an attempt to paint all believers with the same brush. Only to point out the possible mind set that leads to complete acceptance and belief in a religion.

    I have seen many christians and jw's that seemed to just love rolling around in their sea of gloom and doom. They all seemed to be very fearful all the time. You know, Jehovah may strike at any time.

    In my opinion, this is what so quickly triggers their, don't tell me, I don't want to hear it response to questions like, why was the wbts a un associate.

    In some ways this even ties into the humans self security system. If you change my beliefs I am in danger, react in any way to (stop this telling me truths about my religion)


  • garybuss

    Maybe I've had so many failures I don't have anything left to protect:-)

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