More Lunacy: a peak inside the Quotes mail bag

by Quotes 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quotes

    Don't worry, this time it is not as scary as last time (you know, from the Pedophile threatenting to re offend).

    Here are the messages I just received. The first one is especially troubling; I is obviously intended for the Watch Tower Society, so can they not see the BRIGHT RED warning sign on EVERY SINGLE PAGE which says that my quotes site is "neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Watch Tower Society"??? Am I really supposed to think that this person is has skeptically studied this topic (Pyramids)? More likely, they are credulous and jump to conclusions without even thinking -- their email to me (instead of WTS) demonstrates this type of behaviour).

    Letter from Louise:
    I'm not a jehovah's witness, but i do really believe that some day we will all live on an earth
    the way God intended it to be.

    I have great respect for you people, you have so much courage to stand on someone's door and tell them about the good news of the Kingdom.

    And lately i have been deep in thought about the opinions of people on the "Great pyramid." I have read about some amazing facts about the building and it's context.

    In the past, i recall people saying quote: "God does not need a such a building to get his message across." or "It was pagan"

    Well, i did some research on the net about the Pyramid, and 1: it contains 144,000 caseing stones. 2: the headstone is missing, which represents Jesus. and 3:
    It's directly at the centre of the earth.

    It said in the Bible, about God's silent wittness. People often wonder, how such a magnificent building was built. And even today, it can't be duplicated. We know who took the credit for the work, but my point is this:

    Isn't it even remotely possible that Jehovah God put it there? So that even the blind ones can never say they never knew of his existence?

    We are simple minded people, some people are slower learners than others, and God knew of this, that's why he gave us more evidence of his existence, so that it would be fair on everybody to come to know him, and search for the truth.

    You probably won't agree with me, My grandfather knew a thousand times more than i do, because he searched for it, day and night, until he died.

    Just like Rutherford was condemned, so my grandfather was condemned. All because he spoke the truth, and it was way too deep for people to understand.

    The great pyramid was created by Melkizzidec, he was christ. If you don't accept this, i understand; but there is no known date as to when the pyramid was built.

    Keep preaching, god will surely reward you for what your doing.


    My response to Lousise:
    Hello Louise, and thank you for writing.

    I think you are under the incorrect impression that I, the web master of, am a Jehovah's Witness. I am not. My website merely examines and studies the publications of the Watch Tower Society. You will notice that every single page states this fact in bright red text; furthermore this is repeated in the footer at the bottom of every page. This is also explained on the frequently asked questions page (, which you were encouraged to read before sending email (this request to read the F.A.Q. page was on the same page from which you obtained my email address.

    I don't know nearly as much about the Great Pyramid as I do about the current and past doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses, but what I have learned about the Pyramid has convinced me that some of the claimed "supernatural facts" (for want of a better term) are either (a) not supernatural, or (b) not factual.

    To cite just one example of the latter, Charles Russell claimed that certain dimensions of the Pyramid (3416 inches) provided a time scale (an inch for a year) which proved that Christ had returned in 1874. When he later changed his belief, such that Christ would return in 1914, magically his "careful, accurate" measurement changed (to 3457 inches) so that the same "inch for a year scale" would arrive at the new date. Are we to believe that Mr. Russell somehow stretched, Stretched, *STRETCHED* that STONE pyramid to get the new dimension? Clearly, at least one of those two "accurate" measurements were in error; therefore one of them was not accurate at all, which leads me to seriously doubt other claims which rely on "accurate" measurements. Overall, it leaves me with very little faith in the accuracy of other claims made by these self-proclaimed experts.

    I would also like to point out that the "center of the Earth" is about 4000 miles (6400 kms) **below the surface**, and you won't find any pyramids there, since this location is liquid magma (i.e. rock so hot it is melted and flowing, just like water on a rolling boil in a pot). Note: 4000 miles is only a reasonable approximation, since the Earth is not a perfect sphere: it is about 25 miles (40 km) thicker across the middle than it is from North pole to South pole. (from Some would argue that because the Earth is not a perfect sphere, there is no true "center" but I think most would accept that the concept of "center" would be at a point exactly equidistant between the North and South poles, and on the plane defined by the equator (i.e. cut the earth in half, theoretically, at the equator, to get this plane).

    Finally, I thought that (Jesus) Christ was the son of a Jewish carpenter, born approximately 1CE. I am not personally familiar with your statement of faith that the Christ was an Egyptian from the fifth century BCE. I don't mean to be judgmental, I'm just saying I'm not familiar with your belief system.

    I encourage your continued study and learning, and personally would never condemn your for asking questions and searching for answers. Unfortunately, most Jehovah's Witnesses are not so open minded and prefer instead to accept, unquestioningly, whatever is published by the Watch Tower Society. I am sorry they condemned your grandfather; you have my condolences (but again, remember that since I am not a Jehovah's Witnesses, I am not apologizing on their behalf).

    Thanks again for writing.


    P.S. If you want to contact the Watch Tower Society directly, you probably won't be able to using email, since they don't publish any email addresses. However, you can contact them by post, or telephone; the contact information is at their web site:

    Thank you for such a nice site about the beliefs of J.W.'s. I was one of JWs before and didnt understand what I was doing. Thanks to your site I now know it is time for me to go back to them, ask forgiveness and finally be at peace with god. I hope you will continue your efforts to help us go back to Jehovah. I'll have to ask to be reinstated and it might take a couple of months, but I thank you for publishing so eye opening truth about the real Christians. Only one complaint, though not a big one: You forgot to put in the quotations, since most of the words underlined or emphasized are direct quotes from the Bible. But anyways,take care and may God continue helping you bring back the troubled and the weary to his flock. yours truly, pierre-paul

    My response to Pierre-Paul (please note that I should receive bonus points for resisting the urge to call him a stupid moron)
    Hello Pierre, thanks for writing.

    I am confused exactly what is your complaint is, but I am always happy with constructive criticism. You said "You forgot to put in the quotations, since most of the words underlined or emphasized are direct quotes from the Bible." I simply don't understand what you mean by this.

    "I forgot to put in the quotations" --> Huh? The entire site is 100% quotations from Watch Tower Society publications. If I forgot to put them in, there would be nothing on the web site at all. I have almost 100 pages full of Watch Tower Society quotations; I don't understand why you say I "forgot to put them in".

    "most of the words underlined or emphasized are direct quotes from the Bible" --> with the exception of exactly one page which only quotes from the New World Translation ( the web site is entirely quotes from Watch Tower Society, not from the bible (although some of those Society quotes have a small quantity of biblical verse).

    Again, I am confused, please help to clarify so I can make the site even better. I look forward to your response.



    P.S. Please enjoy the latest addition to our quotes collection: and

    Finally, this confusing one-liner from Curtis. I have know idea what the heck they are saying.
    Hi when I searched for the site on goole I got a message saying that there is no siteby that name

    My response to Concise Curtis
    Hello Curtis,

    I am honestly confused about what you are trying to say in your message (below). What site are you searching for on Google? Our Watch Tower Quotes web site? And if you can't find the site, then how did you get this email address (which is available at the web site I think you are looking for)? Sorry, I'm just confused.

    If you Google for "watch tower quotes" (three words) our site is first on the list. If you Google for "watchtower quotes" (two words) again our site is listed first.

    In case Google is having problems, our Quotes site is at No need to search; just bookmark it for future use!

    Thanks for writing, and if there is anything else, please write again.

    Enjoy the site,


    And that concludes this week's look into the Quotes email bag: from the ridiculous to the sublime.

    ~Quotes, of the "Letters, we get your letters, we get your letters every day" class

  • Satanus

    Pierre-paul deserves the wt. It's amazing how you were able to control yourself from calling him some of the names he obviously proudly lives up to.


  • Quotes

    S said:
    Pierre-paul deserves the wt.

    Sad, but true. Some people seem to be better off in that environment. Reminds me of ex-cons that WANT to return to prision, where life was simple and regimented, compared to the scary outside world where you have to get a job and cook your meals and decide how and where you will spend your time.

    If not Watchtowerism, then any other group could fill the role: Scientologists, Mormons, Branch Davidians (are they still around?), FLDS (a group so wacky they make Mormons look like an imorral biker gang).

  • candidlynuts

    dang you get better emails than i do.. all i get are emails wanting to increase the size of my penis........and i dont even HAVE one!

  • EvilForce

    So your site steered him back to the Dubs eh? Apparently the outlandish, ridiculous quotes of the Watchtower made perfect sense to him.

    What a morune.

  • Preston

    Re: Pierre-Paul...

    I'd start counting my time've brought more people back to the truth than I ever did

    - Preston

  • Quotes

    candidlynuts, maybe if you took all the pills they were trying to sell you, you too could enjoy being a penis owner! Never give up hope! ;)

    EvilForce, yup, this guy is a morune (is that like Bugs Bunny, yes? "What a morune!"). Or perhaps this is some poor dubs idea of sarcasim??? Could anyone truly be this stupid? Then again, my father has seen my site, and it has only strengthened his faith ("corrections prove they have divine guidance") so you never know. Someone posted here once "You can fool some of the people all of the time" and that explains why some JWs will never leave, no matter what.

    Preston, I know you were joking, but seriously, for every one that goes back, lets hope that 10 more leave (or never return) as a result of reading the Quotes site. 10:1 is a pretty good casualty ratio I'd be happy with.

  • EvilForce

    Yes.... I should have attributed my quote to Bugs Bunny. My deepest and sincerest apologies to Bugs Bunny and Warner Brothers. Please forgive me and do not stone me to death.

    The Dub's certainly deserve some of these people. Hopefully they will get their full measure when they run into some problems or life issues and see how loving the "troof" really is.

  • Aztec

    "Never underestimate the power of the human mind to believe what it wants to believe, no matter the conflicting evidence."

    ~Dune, House Harkonnen

    " Never underestimate the power of human stupidity."

    ~Robert A. Heinlein

    Just thought I'd add a few quotes too.

  • kls
    candidlynuts, maybe if you took all the pills they were trying to sell you, you too could enjoy being a penis owner! Never give up hope! ;)

    Omg , Quotes made a real good funny,,,lol

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