My baptisim is null and void, due to breech of contract and insider trading. You used to look so good at the pupit, in your sheep suit. *old light, new light, psuedo light, night light* lights out, say your prayers. I'm praying for your souls now, WTS, even your many minions, so maybe you won't see the lake of fire. I'm praying for "Brother WadBlow" who asked that my mother give him proof my father pulled back the covers to lay his 'healing hands' on us...before he would "permit" a divorce. I'm praying for all the brothers and sisters who PREY. Even the ones who bullied my sister and tried to gag her with her head covering when she read the bible on her own and developed a conscience. Even the ones who tried to rid the congergation of my brother over a German suit. *Old light, new light* I guess you couldn't see your flock clearly with the "beam" in your eye. Maybe if you had read God's word and not man's...Maybe if you had a conscience...Maybe if you walk with love...Maybe if you walked by faith and not by sight...Can you even hear the congregation over the white noise of your cover-ups, scandal and lies? Is it scary in the dark with the bulb burnt out? You tried to give me a new Messiah & you tried be "the Mouthpiece". But I've got a bible and a mediator, so i don't need any High Priest. You can not take away my God. & on the good days I'll remember to pray you see a little of His mercy while the rest of us watch as you piss your pants in Brooklyn.
Dorthy's ruby slippers had the power the whole time.
by m. kirov 14 Replies latest jw friends
Bravo! Bravo!
Hey! You just ruined the ending!
Welcome to the board!
My baptisim is null and void, due to breech of contract and insider trading.
Welcome to the forum, m. kirov. That's a great opening post, and I loved the first line! -
Welcome! Great writing!
Hey you should put that to some heavy music and produce it.
Woa! I had to read that three times. Welcome m.kirov.
Your right - Dorothy's ruby slippers did have the power the whole time. Geez - that's a good analogy, we could expand on that.. Any other similarities you notice between JW's and The Wizard of OZ??
Well done!
Welcome to the board.
Most interesting post!
Welcome to JWD!
Very good!
Yeah i was also singing and dancing on that yellow brick road only to find an old man behind the curtain who had also lost his way. The people of oz thought he was a god cause he came crashing down in a big ballon and they had never seen a big ballon before....