what was the strangest or wierd thing that happen.......

by donald 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • donald

    what was the strangest or wierd thing that happen to you in service...or funny....???

    Mine was i went to a door and a very lovely young lady came to the door...NUDE....man you talk about a HARD time giving the presetation....lol

    Then there was the time we drove up to a drive...and this dog on a chain came running out to us full speed...untill he ran out of chain...he fliped head over heals....donald

  • kls
    Mine was i went to a door and a very lovely young lady came to the door...NUDE....man you talk about a HARD time giving the presetation....lol

    ROLF, if anyone can top that i gota hear it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol

  • Quentin

    In rural Arkansas a lady had to put her pot bellied pig in the house. No joke, we were standing in the yard while Mr. Piggy squealed and lunged against the door. She kept saying: I'm sorry he doesn't like strangers.

    The whole time all I could think of was the herd of swine Jesus cast the demons into. I gave her a Truth book, thanked her and beat a hasty retreat. Demons and swine, that image stayed with me for several days.

  • bebu

    Can't give a story, donald, but had to say I love your avatar!!! Too cute!!!


  • nicholas

    Hi all :)

    Well, can't really think of a time when somethin' extremely funny happened... but, I can certainly think of many of things which have been out of the norm in my service(although, I'm not JW; nor have I ever been).

    I've had the pleasure, indeed a pleasure, of encountering many apparitions; holy or unholy. A few of which have physically attacked my body, others only attempted to dominate my dreams... either way, they were not welcome nor stayed long; naturally, you hopefully would insinuate that those which attacked me had been the "unholy" beings...

    The Angelic forces have done far too many dances for God to even begin to announce, but I have had a couple of very distinct encounters with either one specific member of the Holy Army and a general mass of the Army... with that in mind, I was on a mission and before I got the opportunity to get some rest I heard the most beautiful song, sung with words I had not heard before or yet again. Their praise is perfect, it was as though I was alone and afraid on this particular mission, it was/is a great comfort. The other distinct encounter involved another mission I had been on and upon returning I heard a hollow, yet never fading, resounding, sweet, Angelic voice... she was so holy, you could even hear her smile... it was as though the mere movement of her mouth presented the world with an anomoly... I like to this is of my Mothers' doing... Mary, if you will. I should probably mention that I'm not a Catholic person either... nor do I have any connection to the politics of "church", as I have been taken away from that setting at the tender age of 4-5 years of age...

    Those, I suppose, could be classified as weird... at least, different.

  • candidlynuts

    out with pioneers in a rural area, i was SHOCKED when they pulled into a church parking lot to eat at the churches picnic tables.

    i mean really! wouldnt that hinder the holy spirit? lol

    once out in the summer when i was about 12.. two moms, about 8 kids piled into a car, HOT with NO air conditioning,an 18 month old takes a rancid poo in his diaper, the mom doesnt have another diaper... all of us kids in the back were gagging , ready to barf, the moms up front had their heads hanging out of the windows, the stinky baby kept saying SHEEEWEEEEEY! and the kids mom wanted to go on and finish the hour out .. my mom said no way! the toxic fumes were going to kill us all lol. i had a fit anytime after that if a baby was in our car group. YUCK!

    another time out with pioneers.. driving a rural territory... the car captain drove by houses, said " not at home" " not at home" and just drove around for over an hour just saying " not at home" and listening to his foreigner tape lol.. we didnt get one door that day! i loved working with pioneers. the next day at the meeting puffed up elder dad of 2 of them said " did you enjoy the privelege of working with pioneers?" i said Yes SIR i did! lmao

  • rebel8

    2 young guys I knew used to introduce themselves as bible names to "householders", Cain and Abel, etc. It was really hilarious.

  • unique1

    The naked thing was just funny apparently to young guy in the south who saw me and another lovely young thing at their door. I witnessed to many a naked male.

    One time a guy offered us a couple beers (we were all under age) and offered to grill us up some dog. He said he tried it whist in Viet Nam and it apparently like everything else tastes just like chicken.

    Here in the south, having a dog jump into the car with you was a NORMAL occurance, but funny non the less.

    One door I was at, I was standing beside the car with my friend who was giving her presentation. The householder had met us outside near the car. ALL of a sudden I see something FLY through the air towards my friend. She starts screaming " Get it off, Get it off!!!" I realize the householders cat had gotten on top of the car and attached itself to my friends back. I was laughing so hard I didn't help her. The householder had to get the cat off. It was CLASSIC!!!

    Another time, we pulled up and saw a car with tons of pentograms, marylin Manson stickers, Ozzy stickers and the like. The sisters were scared to go to the door and decided just to go on and get some brothers to return. WHATEVER, I said I would go. Even though they were scared, they let me go to the door ALONE. There was this like 17 year old guy in there, invited me in, offered me some weed, which I kindly declined, then he took the magazines. The people in the car figured Jehovah's spirit must have been with me for such a demonic man to take the mags from me. He was really just high and amused. Go figure.

  • Cicatrix

    A guy came out of his house with a shotgun and threatened to shoot me and my service partner. It seems his son had just started studying with JWs, and he was none too happy about it.

  • lucky

    I was working with a pioneer sister and the person who answered the door was in a robe and was obviously in the middle of a sex change. The sister gave her presentation but was quite flustered and kept saying "sir, I mean ma'am".

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