by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Balsam


    I have a friend in California. She and I were disfellowshipped at the same time almost 4 years ago. She has never done a single investigation of the WTS, she considers it apostate information. She still believes the JW have the Holy Spirit and and the source of truth. She is a mule with blinders on she is unwilling to take them off. She attended the Memorial reciently and was warmly encouraged though she was disfellowshipped which encouraged her even more. She still talks of Jehovah and Satan and how they are fighting for her life. She calls me regularly and I listen but her continued ignornance is just crazy to me. By the way she became a JW as an adult, and has no family in the JW what so ever.

    Now me, I've done my research and reading, and even bible research through other translations. I see now that that the WTS is clearly apostate themselves, wicked in their continued clinging to their teachings on blood. I would have no part of it and neither would I ever return to it, ever. I have no family in it and I'm done with it.

    So why do some continue to cling to the bogus teachings? I have no clue, stupidity is all I can think. Blind faith is another reason. And no she will not listen to any thing I try to tell her, so finally I just told her her do what you want, I can only say you are being mislead. There is absolutely no excuse for a person who has quit meetings, or is disfellowshipped, or disassociated not to investigate the WTS. I can understand the active JW no investigating it but the ones who are out there is no excuse in my mind for them. They just like being ignorant. As for lurkers here it is the same with them. They feel something is wrong, may even know it is wrong but still cling to it believing Jehovah is going to nail them. So darn silly.

  • BrendaCloutier

    ((( Minimus ))) Welcome to the forum .....

    btw - how's Minimom?

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    PLEASE get off the fence and recognize you were never "in the truth".

    does this mean you have been ultimately enlightened to know what THE TRUTH actually is?

    I may believe JWs are wrong and by all that I understand I would say that, but I would not pretend to KNOW I believe the claim to such knowledge is just as much a lie their claim to having THE TRUTH.

    so what have you found? did you discover a sure fire 100% certain way to tell what is true and what is not?

  • love11

    Everyone wakes up at a different time! Hopefully, yours is sooner than later because the damage that this 'religion' does to your family is sometimes irreversable.

    I never saw it, or didn't want to see it, because I thought that it would be against j-god to think that this is not the "truth". I have found that whatever you "believe" in becomes a reality. So you can believe in monsters, demons, or the end of the world, if you want to. But I will choose to believe that the world of humanity is not all evil, but rather people who are just trying to find happiness and love. Love

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    YEAH! MIN!

    ...yes, you have said it all ( quite literally) watch out for the tomatos that will be thrown your way!

  • minimus

    Zen, all I said is you were never "in the truth". I stand by that.

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    zen nudist,

    Perhaps what you are trying to articulate is the idea that inside each of us we all have our own version of the "truth" and on the highway of life, we all have our individual pathways to God or enlightnment or truth.

    The idea of "Knowing" that this organization or that is either true or false may well be a false, or at least illusory notion. There is good and bad,truth and falsity in all religions, IMO. Ever notice that even inside the JW organization, as individual JW's we used to debate amongst ourselves this or that shade of meaning, or interpretation what the Society meant about this or that? Doesn't that tell us, that even when you are being led and spoonfed all of the concepts and doctrines you are expected to believe and adopt in your life, there are still different understandings and interpretations. One can never "KNOW" completely whatever comes from outside oneself, because you are NOT THAT. You can only function as an observer and a listener, and then react internally to it. No two JW's think exactly alike about all that the WBTS teaches, and so in a way, in spite of the Organization, we are all living lives from an individual perspective, albeit thru the coloured lenses of Organization Think.

    Rod P.

  • Terry
    She still talks of Jehovah and Satan and how they are fighting for her life. She calls me regularly and I listen but her continued ignornance is just crazy to me. By the way she became a JW as an adult, and has no family in the JW what so ever

    She cannot give up being the center of attention.

    She is the center of her delusion.

    If she abandons it; she becomes ordinary.


  • ButtLight

    I can understand people who ride the fence, because they have family in the org, and dont want to loose them. But people who believe in the "truth" and continue to ride the fence? I dont get it. If they truly believe in it, the shouldnt be on the fence to begin with!

  • stillajwexelder

    btw, this applies to not just lurkers but to some here that are still not quite sure that the Witnesses aren't wrong. C'est moi minimus

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