What Are You Getting/Buying For Mother's Day?

by minimus 36 Replies latest social family

  • TrailBlazer04

    Let's see...lotsa goodies.

    I'm taking my mom to see my aunt at the nursing home, we're doing the FINAL walkthrough on our new home (closing on the 12th), and I'll sit and wait for my daughter and the little ones to arrive from Colorado (due in tues/wed).

    Oh...we bought a bunch of flowers and stuff to landscape the front yard of the new house.


  • bikerchic

    I called my Mom yesterday (Sat) and at the end of the conversation I wished her a Happy Mother's Day and she said in her usual JW stance "everyday is Mother's Day for me", and I took this opportunity to let her know that while I understand she doesn't celebrate this holiday I just wanted to wish her a Happy Mother's Day and let her know I acknowledge what a wonderful Mother she has always been to me.

    I guess I outed myself as celebrating holidays now, LOL. I would love to send her something but I know she would feel guilty and not really enjoy whatever I send to her because to her it would represent something detestable and be a reminder of her daughter she has lost to the world. So I'll respect her JW beliefs even though I don't respect the JW's attitudes toward holidays.

    I'm sure I'll get phone calls from my kids today they never forget to wish me a Happy Mother's Day! I long for no gifts and tell them all the time to save their money it's the thought that matters to me not the gifts.

    Happy Mother's Day all you Moms!


  • mrsjones5

    Flowers, a potted plant - a Lily, and hubby made me breakfast!

    doesnt take much to please me!


  • minimus

    I'm bringing to my mom a special meat pie that she loves along with a blueberry pie and candy. Minimus knows how to make his mom break the rules.

  • GentlyFeral

    I had my Mother's Day celebration yesterday: Went up to the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. and had tea and hours of talk with the owner. She took us all through her fabulous early-Victorian house and her fabulous collections of Fiestaware and Craftsman furniture and vintage packaging of spices and hoodoo products and I don't know what all!

    And today my son called me and told me about all his cool projects - he's making juggling poi to sell, among other things.

    gently feral

  • EvilForce

    I got my mom the truth. I asked about the UN NGO scandel. What can be more valuable than the truth that will set you free???

  • Jordynne

    I made "Pult" for my mom and surprised her on her night shift last night.

    She loves "Pult", it is a potato dumpling type thing (Swedish) that is really messy and hard to make (for me). She gets it once a year!

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