a girl called me in the middle of the night and was asking me questions like my size and what kind of girl would i like to date, and what am i looking for and i said personality. she then told me that her friend who is my workmate is drunk and horny. and then she remembered who i was and she said has the hots for me too. but her friend the girl i work with is just nasty. the girl i talked too sounded pretty hot though. so i dont feel so sad now.
got tempted by satan just a minute ago
by tsunami_rid3r 28 Replies latest jw friends
Hey mate... you sound like me at your age.
All the best to ya mate. Just remember, only you have the power to make you happy.
Your size? As in your penis size? Or your height / weight?
She told me she'd call someone else if I hung up........
Dude! Sweet! Dude! Sweet!
Even I...am envious
- Preston
Evil Force,
Stop playing naive and admit that every time you've been asked this question you knew the intent of the questioner (thwacks EF over the head)
- Preston
i cant wait for college haha. except for one thing my height is 5 "2
Tee hee Preston...you see right thru me :) I am evil indeed. So Tsunami how "big" is it? LOL... just kidding.
Tsunami don't worry about your height. I for one love shorter boys. I know you are not gay...so I'm not hitting on you. But my hubby is Korean and 5'6". I had a b/f that was 6'4" once...ONCE. Too tall for me. Blech! I like boys under 5'8". I prefer compact Asian and Latino boys and I'm sure there are plenty of women out there that will appreciate you for you. -
i cant wait for college haha. except for one thing my height is 5 "2
And why should that be a buffer to your enjoyment in the participation of life? And why do you view that as a disability? mac, 5'-3" (and still only realizes he's short when it's pointed out to him and still remains skeptical) *of course I'm beautiful ...and if yer short and ugly...... well, yer screwed ..............*
You are getting confused - Satan is the one with horns and red eyes
You were phoned by someone - horny with red eyes.
Satan is after your soul. These girls just want a good time.
Face up to your destiny, invite these girls to get the measure of you.