I just worked out it would take 2 years, 245 days and several hours to play all my MP3s back to back. That might be why there's a few I haven't played yet. Gradually I'm replacing them with CDs I pay for on ebay. The other day I won an auction for 3 pence! And I feel sorry for the guy I outbid on another for 35 pence!!! So, anyone got any tips for groups I haven't heard of yet? I'm into pop, 80's and prog rock.
My obsession with MP3s
by ballistic 15 Replies latest jw friends
Do you have "the Babies", kinda punky, but more pop to my mind? And I know it's a silly question if you are into progressive 80s, but how about "The Alan Parsons Project"? That's all I can think of atm.
I have 25 Alan Parsons Project Albums, great stuff. I will check out the babies now. Do you mean the backyard babies?
Come on! I at least expected a flame war on how I'm doing Oasis out of cocaine money and Michael Jackson is nearly bankrupt!
No, just The Babies, with John Waite as frontman.
Rats, I only have about three days worth of iTunes, I guess my tastes are pretty narrow, as far as what I'm willing to purchase.
2 years 245 days? At 1 megabyte per minute of music, that's 1,404,000 megabytes, or 1,371 gigabytes. How many hard drives does it take to store all that??
Yes, I'm into terabytes, and I back up the whole compuer to a second computer. And every now and then I rip the hard disk out of the second computer and lend it to a friend, creating a grandson backup.
I tend to download stuff now before buying it. Had NIN's new album for a few weeks before it came out. Got a nice shiny copy of it on cd now.
Been listening to the new Gorillaz and S.O.A.D albums. Like what i've heard so far.
Ignored One.
I'd probably have a lot more music if big giant poo-heads like Led Zep, Metallica, AC/DC, and Radiohead would make their music available on iTunes. You can't get any old Aerosmith there either, only the pop era stuff.