Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-8-05 WT Study (April 1, 2005 issue)

by blondie 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the May 8, 2005 WT Study (April 1, 2005 issue)

    Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()

    WT quotes from today?s WT will be in red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other sources will be in blue


    "Look! Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah; the fruitage of the belly is a reward. "-PSALM 127:3.

    Children are a blessing and a gift from the LORD.?PSALM 127:3 (Contemporary English Version) /cgi-bin/bible

    Opening Comments

    I can remember when I first read this scripture as a young girl going to the kingdom hall. I wondered why daughters were not an inheritance. It explained why I was treated as secondary at home and the kingdom hall. Later in the article the WTS inserts [daughters] after the word sons. But does that help? It is like being a footnote in Gods book. I like the way the CEV handles it; it puts children.

    What ways are females secondary?

    Men marry, women are given in marriage because they are really just property.

    Men inherited property, women could not because they are really just property .

    Men could divorce their wives, women could not because they are really just property.

    Men could make vows, women could but these could be canceled by their husbands or fathers if they felt the vow was unwise.

    Women were considered unclean longer if they gave birth to a girl, 33 days if a boy, 66 days if a girl.

    Men having sex with a married or engaged woman were executed; men having sex with a virgin were merely fined and forced to marry her; married/engaged women are property so it was a property issue not a moral issue.

    Men were allowed more than one wife at a time; not women.

    Draw Close book chap. 13 pp. 135-136 "The Law of Jehovah Is Perfect"

    In this connection, however, some might wonder, ?Why did the Law allow for polygamy? (Deuteronomy 21:15-17) We need to consider such laws within the context of the times. Those who judge the Mosaic Law from the perspective of modern times and cultures are bound to misunderstand it. (Proverbs 18:13) Jehovahs standard, set way back in Eden, made marriage a lasting union between one husband and one wife. (Genesis 2:18, 20-24) By the time Jehovah gave the Law to Israel, however, such practices as polygamy idolatry had been entrenched for centuries. Jehovah well knew that his "stiff-necked people" would frequently fail to obey even the most basic commands, such as those forbidding idolatry. (Exodus 32:9) Wisely, then, he did not choose that era as the time to reform all of their marital religious practices. Keep in mind, though, that Jehovah did not institute polygamy idolatry. He did, however, use the Mosaic Law to regulate polygamy idolatry among his people and to prevent abuses of the practice.

    Philips four daughters were prophets

    The next day we set out and arrived in Caes·a·re´a, and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelizer, who was one of the seven men, and we stayed with him. 9 This man had four daughters, virgins, that prophesied
    . ACTS 21:8-9

    yet not included in this scripture

    And God has set the respective ones in the congregation, first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then powerful works; then gifts of healings; helpful services, abilities to direct, different tongues.
    1 CORINTHIANS 12:28

    Notice how the WTS makes the prophesying of these women secondary.

    km 1/76 p. 5 Speaking with the "Same Line of Thought" About Our Service to God

    Along similar lines, we may note that Philip the evangelist had four daughters that "prophesied." (Acts 21:8, 9; compare 1 Corinthians 11:5; 13:8.) That does not mean, however, that they were designated as "prophets" and hence next to the "apostles" in terms of vital service rendered within the congregational framework. (1 Cor. 12:28, 29) Only men are referred to as such Christian "prophets," as can be seen by such texts as Acts 11:27, 28; 13:1; 15:32.

    Yet there is a case in the Bible that when male prophets were available, Israelites were sent to a female prophet, Huldah. Does the same reasoning used above apply?

    w02 12/15 p. 22 Are You Acquainted With Shaphan and His Family?

    Huldah: An Influential Prophetess

    Upon hearing the reading of "the very book of the law" found in the temple, King Josiah ordered Shaphan and four other high-ranking officials to "inquire of Jehovah" about the book. (2 Kings 22:8-20) Where could the delegation find the answer? Jeremiah and possibly Nahum and Zephaniah, all prophets and Bible writers, lived in Judah at the time. The delegation, however, approached Huldah the prophetess.

    The book Jerusalem: An Archaeological Biography comments: "The remarkable thing about this episode is that the male-female aspect of the story was completely unremarked. No one considered it the least bit inappropriate that an all-male committee took the Scroll of the Law to a woman to determine its status. When she declared it the word of the Lord, no one questioned her authority to determine the issue. This episode is often overlooked by scholars assessing the role of women in ancient Israel." Of course, the message received was from Jehovah.

    Should we assume then that the male prophets were secondary?

    Even the WTS admits the secondary treatment of women in the Bible.

    Insight Book Volume 1 p. 584 Daughter ***

    The birth of daughters in the household in Biblical times was not as great an occasion as was the arrival of sons; their position was less honored than that of boys, and their names have not been recorded as often. (1Ch 2:34, 35)

    Can you think of ways that women are made secondary to men?


    Paragraph 1

    CONSIDER the miraculous events that Jehovah God made possible by the way he created the first man and woman. Both the father, Adam, and the mother, Eve, contributed a part of themselves that developed within Eve's womb into a fully formed new person, the first human baby. (Genesis 4:1) Down till today, the conception and birth of a child fill us with wonder and are described by many as nothing short of a miracle.

    Contributed a part of themselves

    Notice how the sexual aspect is euphemized. Men and women contribute equal parts to make a child. A woman is more than just a receptacle for the forming embryo.

    Described by many

    And who would these many be? Does many mean majority?

    Paragraph 2

    2 Within some 270 days, the original cell that was created within the mother as a result of her union with the father grows into a baby made up of trillions of cells. That original cell has within it the instructions needed to produce more than 200 kinds of cells. Following those marvelous instructions, which are beyond human understanding, these cells of stunning complexity develop in just the right order and manner to form a new living person!

    Instructions needed to produce more than 200 kinds of cells

    This is the basis of stem cell research; using the ability of the cell at this point to grow a heart, a kidney, etc. to be transplanted.

    Instructions beyond human understanding

    Can you think of things that were once beyond human understanding that are no longer?

    Paragraph 3

    3 Who, would you say, is the real maker of the baby? It is surely the One who created life in the first place. The Bible psalmist sang: "Know that Jehovah is God. It is he that has made us, and not we ourselves." (Psalm 100:3) Parents, you well know that it is not because of any brilliance on your part that you have produced such a precious little bundle of life. Only a God of infinite wisdom could be responsible for the miraculous formation of a new living human. For thousands of years, reasoning people have credited the formation of a child inside its mother's womb to the Grand Creator. Do you?-Psalm 139:13-16.


    Buzzword meaning this is such a basic belief that no presentation of proof is necessary.

    Not because of any brilliance on your part

    Pretty demeaning statement

    Reasoning people

    Only people who reason the same way as the WTS. Any attributions?

    Paragraph 4

    4 Is Jehovah, though, an unfeeling Creator who simply instituted a biological process whereby men and women could produce offspring? Some humans are unfeeling, but Jehovah is never like that. (Psalm 78:38-40) The Bible says at Psalm 127:3: "Look! Sons [and daughters as well] are an inheritance from Jehovah; the fruitage of the belly is a reward." Let us now consider what an inheritance is and what it gives evidence of.

    Unfeeling Creator who simply instituted a biological process

    Where do you think this statement is leading?

    Sons [and daughters as well]

    A technique the WTS uses to add to the Bible. Be careful when you see brackets [] used in a scripture.

    An Inheritance and a Reward

    Paragraph 5

    5 An inheritance is like a gift. Parents often work long and hard to leave their children an inheritance. It may consist of money, property, or perhaps some treasured possession. In any case, it is evidence of a parent's love. The Bible says that God has given parents their children as an inheritance. They are a loving gift from him. If you are a parent, would you say that your actions show that you view your little ones as a gift that the Creator of the universe has entrusted to you?

    Parents often work long and hard to leave their children an inheritance. It may consist of money, property, or perhaps some treasured possession.

    Are JWs encouraged to work long and hard or to give the bulk of their time and energy to following the WTS directives?

    w03 2/1 pp. 4-5 How to Cultivate a Balanced View of Work

    Working too hard or too long is, in fact, counterproductive, a vain "striving after the wind."

    Evidence of a parents love

    Family Book chap. 6 p. 72 Help Your Teenager to Thrive

    In truth, proper discipline is a proof of the parents love for his child. (Hebrews 12:6, 11)

    Would you say that your actions show that you view your little ones as a gift that the Creator of the universe has entrusted to you?

    Child abuse

    Medical treatment

    Paragraph 6

    6 Jehovah's purpose in granting this gift was to have the earth populated with the descendants of Adam and Eve. (Genesis 1:27, 28; Isaiah 45:18) Jehovah did not individually create every human, as he did the millions of angels. (Psalm 104:4; Revelation 4:11) Instead, God chose to create humans with the ability to produce children who would resemble their parents in identifiable ways. What a marvelous privilege it is for a mother and father to bring forth and care for such a new person! As parents, do you thank Jehovah for making it possible for you to enjoy this precious inheritance?

    Did not individually create every human, as he did the millions of angels.

    Does Psalm 104:4 and Revelation 4:11 support this statement?

    The WTS has suggested that this is why some angels left heaven to marry women, to create their own children, rather than just a physical lust for sex.

    w83 6/1 p. 23 Maintaining God?s View of Sex

    God did not create angels with a desire for sexual relations with humans
    . Yet Satan evidently was able to get some of them to think improperly about such matters. Thus within certain angels a desire was cultivated for something that God purposed only humans should enjoy within the proper bounds of marriage. These angelic "sons of the true God" did a wicked thing, leaving their positions in heaven to come to earth to marry women. (Genesis 6:2)

    Marvelous privilege

    Having children was not always considered a privilege in the WTS.

    It is better and wiser for those of the Lord's "other sheep" who hope to survive Armageddon and be given the divine mandate to fill the earth with a righteous offspring to defer matters until after the tribulation and destruction of Armageddon is past. 1943 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses , Daily Texts and Comments, November 7.

    Learn From Jesus' Example

    Paragraph 7

    7 Sad to say, not all parents consider children a reward. Many show little compassion for their offspring. Such parents do not reflect the attitude of Jehovah or of his Son. (Psalm 27:10; Isaiah 49:15) In contrast, consider Jesus' interest in young ones. Even before Jesus came to earth as a human, when he was a mighty spirit person in heaven the Bible says that his "fulness of delight was with the sons of men." (Proverbs 8: 31, Rotherham) His love for humans was so great that he willingly gave his life as a ransom so that we might receive everlasting life. -Matthew 20:28; John 10:18.

    Not all parents consider children a reward

    Not all elders either who do not report child abuse to the authorities unless required by secular law.

    Consider Jesus interest in young ones

    Do you think Jesus let a secular or religious law stand in the way of doing what was right?

    How many times was he accused of curing people on the Sabbath and breaking the law?


    See the WTS allows itself to use other Bible translations. Why did they use this one instead of the NWT? Notice how the WTS strings together snippets rather than full scriptures. Always ask yourself why?

    being glad at the productive land of his earth, and the things I was fond of were with the sons of men . PROVERBS 8:31

    Everlasting life

    CARROT: First mention of the real motivation of JWs; not the vindication of God?s sovereignty and the sanctification of his name.

    w92 5/1 p. 23 Keep Awake in "the Time of the End" ***

    ever in mind that our salvation is nearer than when we first became believers. More important, the vindication of Jehovah?s universal sovereignty and the sanctification of his name are much nearer. .

    Paragraph 8

    8 While on earth, Jesus set an especially fine example for parents. Consider what he did. He took time for children, even when he was very busy and under stress. He watched them at play in the marketplace and used aspects of their behavior in his teaching. (Matthew 11:16,17) During his final trip to Jerusalem, Jesus knew that he would suffer and be killed. So when people brought little ones to see him, Jesus' disciples, perhaps in an effort to protect Jesus from further stress, tried to turn the children away. But Jesus reprimanded his disciples. Showing his "fulness of delight" with little ones, he said: "Let the young children come to me; do not try to stop them."-Mark 10:13,14.

    Jesus set an especially fine example for parents.

    With all the attention on God, does the average JW really know anything about Jesus?

    Took time for children, even when he was very busy and under stress

    So men in the congregation who are required to study with their children for 1 hour a week, add 1 hour preparation, attend 5 meetings a week (5 hours), dress/grooming and travel time (6 hours), work hard and long secularly (44 hours), grooming/dress and travel time (10 hours), sleep (56 hours), 2 to 3 hours ministry (4 hours including travel and dressing grooming), home chores (20 hours), preparation for meetings/personal study (5 hours), looking after elderly parents (5 hours)

    7 x 24 = 168 hours a week

    2+5+6+44+10+56+4+20+5+5=157 hours a week


    A buzzword the WTS uses when they are about to read something into the Bible Account that is not there.

    Paragraph 9

    9 We can learn from Jesus' example. When young ones come to us, how do we respond ?even when we are busy? As Jesus did? What children need, especially from their parents, is what Jesus was willing to give them?his time and attention. True, such words as "I love you" are important. Yet, actions speak louder than words. Your love is manifest not only by what you say but even more so by what you do. It is shown by the time, attention, and care that you provide your little ones. Doing all of that, however, may not produce tangible results, at least not as quickly as you would hope. Patience is required. We can learn patience if we imitate the way Jesus dealt with his disciples.

    How do we respond, even when we are busy?

    How do elders respond? Have you ever heard counsel from the platform not to bother the elders unless it is something super serious?

    How many JW children are pushed aside by the their MS or elder fathers as they push ahead in "reaching out"?

    True such words as "I love you" are important. Yet actions speak louder than words.

    Does that mean that the words should not be said? Isn?t that a good place to start?

    Are elders or MS or other brothers who are trained by example to put WTS administrative activities first and ignore the rank and file, will the put their children first?

    May not produce tangible results

    Not as quickly as you would hope

    Not as quickly as the elders hope.

    Patience is required

    How quick are people to jump to judgment in the KH?

    Jesus' Patience and Affection

    Paragraph 10

    10 Jesus was aware of the ongoing competition for prominence among his disciples. One day, after arriving in Capernaum with his disciples, he asked them: " 'What were you arguing over on the road?' They kept silent, for on the road they had argued among themselves who is greater." Instead of harshly reprimanding them, Jesus patiently provided an object lesson in an effort to teach them humility. (Mark 9:33-37) Did it produce the desired results? Not immediately. Some six months later, James and John put their mother up to requesting from Jesus prominent positions in the Kingdom. Again, Jesus patiently corrected their thinking.-Matthew 20:20-28.

    Ongoing competition for prominence

    That still continues in the KH today. A brother who is not an elder or MS or at the very least a mike handler, is viewed as spiritually weak.

    Jesus patiently, desired results,not immediately,six months later,again, Jesus patiently corrected their thinking.

    Did Jesus try to control the thoughts of his disciples? Didnt they correct their own thinking because of what they saw in the scriptures?

    w76 6/15 p. 358 Why Jesus Illustrations Helped People

    Certainly Christs disciples took these things to heart and corrected their own wrong thinking.

    Paragraph 11

    11 Soon the Passover of 33 C.E. arrived, and Jesus met privately with his apostles to celebrate it. On arriving in the upper room, not one of the 12 apostles took the initiative to perform the customary service of washing the dusty feet of the others?the menial task of a servant or of a woman in the household. (1 Samuel 25:41; 1 Timothy 5:10) How it must have grieved Jesus to see that his disciples continued to show evidence of aspiring to rank and position! So Jesus washed the feet of each one and then earnestly appealed to them to follow his example of serving others. (John 13:4-17) Did they? The Bible says that later that evening "there also arose a heated dispute among them over which one of them seemed to be greatest." -Luke 22:24.

    Blurb page 10: What can parents learn from Jesus' way of teaching?

    Not one of the 12 apostles took the initiative to perform?menial task of a servant or of a woman

    Jesus washed the feet

    Follow his example; later than evening; heated dispute; which one of them seemed to be greatest

    Object lesson: Set a good example; live a sermon rather than preach a sermon.

    I will say that over the years what has disillusioned many JW children is the hypocrisy of their parents and other adults at the KH.

    Paragraph 12

    12 When your children fail to respond to your counsel, do you parents appreciate how Jesus must have felt? Note that Jesus did not give up on his apostles, though they were slow in correcting their shortcomings. His patience eventually bore fruit. (1 John 3:14, 18) Parents, you do well to imitate Jesus' love and patience, never giving up in your efforts to train your children.

    Children fail to respond to your counsel

    Did Jesus beat the living daylights out of his disciples

    Jesus did not give up

    The WTS is not blind to the large numbers of children of JWs that are leaving. The COs put such things in their weekly reports. So every week, the WTS receives (?) 200 CO reports in the US alone. How many families with children get regular, loving attention from the elders? Or is it a constant complaint to the parents about how their children do not measure up?

    Slow in correcting their shortcomings

    Now children, or the disciples, were corrected their own thinking.

    Paragraph 13

    13 Young ones need to sense that their parents love them and are interested in them. Jesus wanted to know what his disciples were thinking, so he listened when they had questions. He asked them what they thought about certain matters. (Matthew 17:25-27) Yes, good teaching includes attentive listening and genuine interest. A parent should resist any inclination to put off an inquiring child with a gruff: "Go away! Can't you see that I am busy?" If a parent really is busy, the child should be told that the matter will be discussed later. Parents must then make sure that it is discussed. In this way the child will sense that the parent really is interested in him, and he will more readily confide in the parent.

    Need to sense that their parents love them and are interested in them.

    How much time do parents have left over after work, home chores, KH responsibilities?

    Listened when they had questions

    Asked them what they thought about certain matters

    Are children in essence punished for having questions? Are they handed an article from the WT or a book and told to go read it? Tactics many elders use with the rank and file who have questions.

    Go away! Cant you see that I am busy?

    I can remember a special needs talk that was given telling the rank and file that they should be doing their own research on Bible questions and not running to the elders every time. Hmmm

    Do JW parents, especially fathers, put the WTS or their families first?

    More readily confide

    And why would children confide who are in an organization that encourages its members to run to the elders with the perceived mistakes of other members?

    Paragraph 14

    14 Can parents appropriately show their affection by putting their arms around their children and hugging them? Again, parents can learn from Jesus. The Bible says that he "took the children into his arms and began blessing them, laying his hands upon them." (Mark 10:16) How do you think the young ones responded? Surely their hearts were warmed, and they were drawn to Jesus! If there is genuine affection and love between you parents and your young ones, they will respond more readily to your efforts to discipline and teach them.

    Blurb page 11: When and how were Israelite parents to teach their children?

    Appropriately show their affection by putting their arms around their children and hugging them?

    Appropriately! Hugging! Do JWs need permission to hug their children?

    I know of a JW husband who was counseled for hugging his wife. A wife who was counseled for draping her arm over the back of her teenage daughter.

    If there is genuine affection and love between you parents and your young ones, they will respond more readily to your efforts to discipline and teach them.

    Yes, if young ones are leaving the organization it is because their parents are not showing them enough love, right?!

    The Question of How Much Time

    Paragraph 15

    15 Some have questioned whether children really need much of their parents' time and loving attention. A child-rearing concept that has been skillfully promoted is called quality time. Advocates claim that children do not need a lot of their parents' time as long as the limited time spent with them is meaningful, well-thought-out, and planned. Is the quality-time concept a good one, conceived with the welfare of young ones in mind?

    Some have questioned

    Who have?

    Quality time

    Skillfully promoted

    Buzz phrase meaning it is not a good concept

    Paragraph 16

    16 One writer who had spoken with many children said that what they "wanted most from their parents was more time," along with "undivided attention." Significantly, one college professor observed: "The term [quality time] has grown out of parental guilt. People were giving themselves permission to spend less time with their children." How much time should parents spend with their children?

    One writer


    According to the articles author, Ron Taffel PhD, "In my conversations with children from pre-kindergarten to sixth grade, the kids overwhelmingly indicated that what they wanted most from their parents was more time, as in undivided attention."

    One college professor


    Twelve years ago the WTS gave this attribution, why not now?

    g93 5/22 p. 16 "Quality Time" Doled Out in Limited Quantities

    Thus, the New York Daily News quotes Dr. Lee Salk, a professor at Cornell University Medical School in the United States, as saying: "The concept of quality time is nonsense." He explains: "The term has grown out of parental guilt. People were giving themselves permission to spend less time with their children."

    Paragraph 17

    17 The Bible does not say. However, Israelite parents were urged to speak with their children when they were in their house, when they walked on the road, when they lay down, and when they got up. (Deuteronomy 6:7) This clearly means that parents need to interact with children and to teach them constantly each day.

    The Bible does not say.

    A phrase the WTS uses but then goes on to tell you what the Bible would have said.

    w03 5/1 p. 28 Does Jehovah Notice What You Do?

    The Bible does not say, but

    w01 2/1 p. 21 You Can Cope With Discouragement!

    The Bible does not say. Nevertheless

    w01 8/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers

    So even though the Bible does not say

    w97 5/15 p. 16 Theocratic Administration in the Christian Era

    The Bible does not say, but

    Teach them constantly each day

    That would mean more than just one hour every week conducting a family study. Does that mean more than 4 hours a month can be counted on each parents time slip?

    km 11/03 p. 3 Question Box

    If a Christian parent conducts a family Bible study and unbaptized children are involved, the parent may report a maximum of one hour a week, one return visit a week, and one home Bible study a month. This is the case even if the study lasts for more than one hour, is conducted more than once a week, or is conducted with the children individually.?See the Our Ministry book, p. 104.

    Paragraph 18

    18 Jesus successfully trained his disciples as he ate with them, traveled with them, and even relaxed with them. He thus took advantage of every opportunity to teach them. (Mark 6:31, 32; Luke 8:1; 22:14) Similarly, Christian parents should be alert to use every opportunity to establish and maintain good communication with their children and to train them in Jehovah's ways.

    Jesus successfully trained his disciples as

    He ate with them

    Traveled with them

    Relaxed with them

    Does that mean parents must be constantly talking about the Bible? Is that what Jesus did?

    Christian parents

    Means only JW parents

    Train them in Jehovahs ways

    Not to follow the footsteps of Jesus closely?

    What to Teach and How to Do It

    Paragraph 19

    19 Simply spending time with children and even teaching them is not all there is to rearing them successfully. Vital, too, is what is taught. Notice how the Bible emphasizes what this should be. "These words that I am commanding you today," it says, "you must inculcate ... in your son." What are "these words" that children need to be taught? Evidently, they are the words that had just been mentioned, namely: "You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your vital force." (Deuteronomy 6: 5-7) Jesus said that this is the most important of all God's commandments. (Mark 12:28-30) Parents primarily need to teach young ones about Jehovah, explaining why he alone is worthy of our whole-souled love and devotion.

    Simply spending time

    Even teaching them

    Is not all there is

    What is taught

    All of Gods commandments

    And how many commands do Christians follow? Over 600 like the Jews? Do JWs still follow the sabbath commandment?

    Need to teach young ones about Jehovah

    Where is Jesus in this picture?

    Paragraph 20

    20 However, "these words" that parents are urged to teach their children include more than simply to love God with one's whole self. You will notice that in the preceding chapter of Deuteronomy, Moses restates the laws that God wrote on tablets of stone?the Ten Commandments. These laws include commands not to lie, not to steal, not to murder, and not to commit adultery. (Deuteronomy 5:11-22) So the need to impart moral values to their children was impressed upon parents of old. Christian parents today need to provide their children with similar instruction if they are to help them to have a secure, happy future.

    Blurb page 12: Parents should keep the teachings of God before their children

    More than simply to love God with one?s whole self

    What do you think they mean by this?

    Impart moral values

    Christian parents

    Only JW parents

    Secure, happy future

    CARROT : allusion to living forever on a paradise earth

    Paragraph 21

    21 Note that parents are told how they are to teach "these words," or commandments, to their young ones: "You must inculcate them in your son." The word "inculcate" means "to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions: urge on or fix in the mind." So God is, in effect, telling parents to institute a planned program of Bible instruction that has the express purpose of impressing spiritual matters on the minds of their children.

    God is, in effect, telling parents

    The WTS is telling them so

    WTS = God

    Institute a planned program Bible instruction

    One hour a week out of a WTS publication just like the Jews and early Christians did!!

    Spiritual matters

    WT matters

    Paragraph 22

    22 Such a planned program takes parental initiative. The Bible says: "You must tie them ["these words," or commandments of God] as a sign upon your hand, and they must serve as a frontlet band between your eyes; and you must write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates." (Deuteronomy 6:8, 9) This does not mean that parents should literally write God's laws on doorposts and gates, tie a copy of them on the hands of their children, and place one between their eyes. Rather, the point is that parents should constantly keep the teachings of God before their children. Teaching their children should be done in such a regular, constant way that it is as though God's teachings are right there before the children all the time.

    Planned program

    Regular, constant way

    But if the parents are not living what they preach or they see elders and others not doing the same.

    Paragraph 23

    23 What are some especially important things that parents need to teach their children? Why is it vital today that children be both taught and trained to protect themselves? What assistance is now available to parents to help them teach their children effectively? These and other questions that concern many parents will be considered in the following article.

    Taught and trained to protect themselves?

    Concluding Comments

    This is of course the first article of the one, two punch approach the WTS has. The really gory stuff is next week. Please review the site since they have scans of the publication, Learn from the Great Teacher.

    Other information can be found here.

    For an assignment next week, those with access to a WT, look at the picture on page 18. What is wrong with this picture?

    Yes, the WTS is placing the blame on the parents for the fact that so many JW children are not staying.

    What about your congregation or the one you last attended?

    Love, Blondie


    1. How did the first human baby come to be born?

    2. Why would you say that what occurs inside the womb of a pregnant woman is a miracle?

    3. Why do many reasoning people agree that God must be responsible for the birth of a new living human?

    4. What human fault could never be ascribed to Jehovah?

    5. Why are children an inheritance?

    6. What was God's purpose for enabling humans to have children?

    7. In contrast with what some parents do, how did Jesus show interest in and compassion for "the sons of men"?

    8. How did Jesus set a good example for parents?

    9. Why may what we do be even more important than what we say?

    10. How did Jesus teach his disciples a lesson on humility, and with what success at first?

    11. (a) What customary task did Jesus' apostles fail to perform after arriving in an upper room with Jesus? (b) What did Jesus do, and were his efforts successful at that time?

    12. How might parents imitate Jesus in their efforts to train their children?

    13. Why should a parent not gruffly dismiss a child's inquiry?

    14. What can parents learn from Jesus about showing affection to their children?

    15, 16. What has been a popular child-rearing concept, and what apparently prompted it?

    17. What do children need from their parents?

    18. How did Jesus take advantage of opportunities to train his disciples, and what can parents learn from this?

    19. (a) What is needed besides spending time with children? (b) What do parents primarily need to teach young ones?

    20. What were parents of old commanded by God to teach their children?

    21. What was meant by the instruction to "inculcate" God's word in young ones?

    22. What were Israelite parents told to do to instruct their children, and what did that mean?

    23. What will be considered in next week's lesson?

    How Would You Answer?

    Why should parents consider their children precious?

    What can parents and others learn from Jesus?

    How much time should parents devote to their children?

    What should children be taught, and how should the teaching be done?

  • xjwms

    Another EXCELLENT JOB.!!!

    I'll have to look ahead as sugested.

    Thank you Blondie

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    the watchtower has for everything an answer. is it right or is it wrong does not fit the moment. The main is: here comes food to the proper time.

    thats their self understanding.

    And to what results does tha lead?

    htey loos the power over their sheep, the sheep are going into diaspora.

    and why all?

    because the watchtower has no written answer in their multi-culti-mags about their connection to the UN

  • SallySue

    True, such words as "I love you" are important. Yet, actions speak louder than words. Your love is manifest not only by what you say but even more so by what you do

    And, what do they do (because the WTS told them they MUST) when the child sins? The baptised child is disfellowshipped and the parents are not allowed to communicate. Such a showing of love.

    The WTS tells the parents what all they need to be doing to be a good little dub and then when they don't have time or energy to spend with their children and the children leave the org. it is the parents' fault. And, they can only count one hour a week? but they still have to get in their time... Where do those guys in Brooklyn think all this time is coming from?

    Thank you Blondie for all your hard work. I look forward to your study every week.

  • ezekiel3
    Can parents appropriately show their affection by putting their arms around their children and hugging them? Again, parents can learn from Jesus.

    Gee, I'm so glad the WT brought this up. Now we can hug our children. I was nervous about this until the FDS expressly permitted it.

    Come on!! Is this how the WTS intends to save their youth?

  • frankiespeakin

    Thank Blondie,

    I'm so glad you make these posts. I can't help but think of how many JW still going to meetings read your interesting exspose. I'm sure you are doing a lot to help many of these poor mistreated women, to see what a raw deal the WT has given them.

    21 Note that parents are told how they are to teach "these words," or commandments, to their young ones: "You must inculcate them in your son." The word "inculcate" means "to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions: urge on or fix in the mind."

    Boy are they pouring it on thick,,they want all parents to keep on repeating WT biblical indoctrination to thier children how very very sad. I feel so sorry for the children who have to go through this at such an early age my God what a tragedy. Hey you in writting,, your a fraud,,and a miserable coniving person,,take a good look at your self in the mirror.

    So God is, in effect, telling parents to institute a planned program of Bible instruction that has the express purpose of impressing spiritual matters on the minds of their children.

    Hey, "you" in writing this WT did you even have any idea how much suffering these kid are already going thru teenagers have a very rough time adjusting and many commit suicide. And here you are making it appear that God wants parents to brainwash thier kids. Your a sicko!!

  • ezekiel3
    Frankie: you are making it appear that God wants parents to brainwash thier kids. Your a sicko!!

    Yes, and it is very transparent that a bunch a old childless males are trying to bung up losses among their major source of growth:

    The innocent children.

  • EvilForce

    I don't have access to WT's since I don't like having them in the house....I'm afraid DEMUNZ might stalk my house if I have them laying around.

    Thanks Blondie!!!

  • luna2

    This is why I initially stopped attending meetings. The guilt trip became too much for my mental health.

    Nothing you ever do is good enough. Its never the WTS. Hey, if something didn't work out that we encouraged you to do, we deny's your fault for misunderstanding what we meant. Study the publications more, make all the meetings, go out in service more, be sure not to allow yourselves or your children to enjoy anything or think anything or do anything unless we tell you you can, pray harder...oh and be sure to generously contribute to the worldwide work.

    There is no joy in dubville, but don't blame us because ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!

    Sorry. LOL I still have issues.

  • blondie

    Xjwms, you are prejudiced.


    , I bet du bist ein Deutsches mann, ja?

    Yes, the WTS can take any scripture and make it fit the doctrine of the moment. I call those flip-flop doctrines. Such as who are the superior authorities, 1879 to 1929, secular authorities; 1929 to 1962, God and Jesus; and back to secular authorities in 1962. Transplants okay until 1967, not okay from 1967 to 1980, okay again in 1980.

    Good point, SallySue,

    The baptised child is disfellowshipped and the parents are not allowed to communicate. Such a showing of love.

    Conditional love is all the WTS teaches. Now Jesus loved all humankind and gave his life for them while they were yet sinners.


    , isn?t it ridiculous? But remember this is being written mostly by men at Bethel who never had children. Yes, children are leaving the WTS because their parents don?t hug them. The problem starts with H, Hypocrisy.

    Hi frankie,

    I'm sure you are doing a lot to help many of these poor mistreated women, to see what a raw deal the WT has given them.

    Mistreated men too. I have seen men sincerely want to spend more time with their children but have the brothers keep them so busy they hardly know their names. I know of 5 brothers over the years who stepped aside from their duties as elders to help their children and were ciriticized severely for it. After all, other elders were able to manage the workload.

    As to brainwashing, the WTS has said that it is a good thing.


    3/15 pp. 186-187 Be a Vessel for Honorable Use ***

    A musician who had lived the unreal life on drugs began studying the Bible with Jehovah?s witnesses. His associates ridiculed him, taunting: "You?re being brainwashed." He aptly replied: "The shape our brains are in, they need a good washing."


    10/22 p. 16 A Tragic Saturday That Shattered My Family ***

    My father said that the Witnesses would brainwash me, to which I replied that my brain needed a good washing, since I had been taught so many untruths for so many years.


    I understand. I keep mine in one place in the house only, out of sight until I need to work on my review.

    Hopefully, I will get a scanner that will handle pictures.


    This is why I initially stopped attending meetings. The guilt trip became too much for my mental health.

    Good point. That is part of why I stopped going.

    Nothing you ever do is good enough.

    That is because they keep changing the rules and the requirements and apply them unevenly to those in the congregation.

    Good comments, folks.


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