
by Vitameatavegamin 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Francois

    "By their fruits you shall know them..."

    You certainly do. And if this were an isolated case it could be dismissed as just an example of aberrant behavior on the part of a random loony. Y'know, I don't remember even hearing of this kinda of behavior, say, twenty-five years or so ago. But it seems it's becoming standard, unremarkable.

    I wonder if, after decades of running off its best and brightest, the "body" of the organization of JWs isn't becoming dominated by the loony-tunes, weirdos, and nasties. Think about it. Most people who have consciences, human kindnesses, you know, the fruits of the spirit, are bugging out in record numbers - so what does that leave?

    Well, for starters, it leaves the kind of goose-stepping, society-worshipping slug who came to see you. With continued defection of their spiritual elite, the average congregation will more and more be made up of folk like you describe. The Jay-Dubs will disappear as a result of their exponentiating cruelty. And in this manner, the "evil ones" will be no more. Evil contains the seeds of its own destruction. It's a form of evolution. Neat, ain't it?

    My $0.02.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    "evil contains the seeds of its own destruction"

    Great concept!

    To become a "worthy" JW you must...

    1. start carrying your heart in your handbag.

    2. be willing to give up every thread of human decentcy you ever owned.

    3. be willing to treat those you are supposted to love like they are invisible.

    4. be able to throw your friends (or were they ever anyway) away like yesterdays garbage.

    and I could go on and on and on......

    But each time I read a new story I hurt for that person. Vita, May your husband stay well. I think that woman who came to your house did you a favor (even though it hurt you alot). Are your eyes opened to their crueltys now?

    They only love you when you are doing the bidding!

    Isn't it interesting how they never take personal responsibility for the the rotten things they do? Its always "The WT, or "The Society", never them.

    As the AA people say, keep coming back. It took me a while to post, and I'm liking it.

    California Sunshine

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

  • Vitameatavegamin

    Hi again! Comments are very enlightening. I really don't feel that what happened is a representation of every Witness out there. I do know some very loving JW's that would never say an unkind word. But on the other hand this type of thing has happened several times. I never claimed to be the best or the most spiritual, but I love my friends for who they are.

    I am just so confused at times. Part of me, depending on what mood I am in, just wants to never go back, but I am continually wondering if maybe I am just being too stubborn myself. I also don't want to jeopardize my standing with God either. There are times I wonder if maybe we are all being tested"as to fitness". Now, I know, I know, it sounds like I am just repeating WT slogans so to speak. But seriously, I do worry. I have a 12 year old son and I dont want to make an irresponsible decision spiritually for him. I do take that seriously. However, I have never encountered so many holier-than-thou people in my life!

    My own family in the past has even refused to invite me to gatherings, even a few family things years ago, because of our inactivity. Said that it would'nt"look good" And the reality is, most people don't really give a rip, they are not paying that much attention. I know I would not be! But it never fails, there is always a few who are more concerned with they're image than doing the right thing. It just really does'nt seem like something Jesus would have done. I may have been inactive, but that is not an excuse to become "uppety".

    I hope I don't sound whiney, just enjoying venting some of this frustration. Look forward to hearing more. Thanks so much!!

    P.S. How do you get the "smileys" to work??

  • kes152

    hello my dear Vitameatavegamin,

    I understand when you say there are still some very loving witnesses in the organization. This is true. That is why Jesus said respecting them:

    "I will enter in among them and call ALL my OWN sheep out, BY NAME and I will go out and they themselves will follow me."

    He is the fine shepherd, our real shepherd. During the time we were in the organization we were 'under' the care of "hired men." But our Father kept hearing our complaint of this slavery go up to heaven before his altar. At that time, Jah remebered Israel, his love, and our father Abraham. And so he sends his Son, once again to 'call out' to us and invite us home.

    Many still believe that we cannot hear Jesus directly, but those who believe he talks, hear his voice, and literally "follow him out." He is our "Moses" and he leads us out of Egypt (the organization) through the wilderness to the Mountain of Jah. Then eventually, to the Promised Land, our heavenly inheritance the Jesus prepared for us.

    Peace to you!

  • kes152


    Regarding your standing with God... the organization is NOT God. God is God. And he does not need an organization in order for people to do his will. for his will is not done by "army, or organization" but, BY MY SPIRIT."

    Jesus is our only way to God, and the ONLY Truth of God. So if you are concerned about your standing with God, measure "yourself" in light of Christ. And I DO NOT MEAN say : "How many meetings have you attended, or how much studying have you done?"

    I mean, "What exists in your HEART?" Do you have hate, envy, strife? If so go to him and ask him for holy spirit so that you may clean these out of your heart.

    Do you have 'love' in your heart? How about TRUE LOVE? God's Love. Do you love those who hate you, FROM YOUR HEART? He who has 'perfect love' in him has God residing IN him.

    1 John 3:16

    Do you love God will all your heart? If so, then you would be willing to get disfellowshipped for the sake of Christ, yes?

    Are you willing to be hated by ALL PEOPLE (JW, ex-JW) for the sake of Christ? If not, look in your heart and "know" yourself as to why.

    When you look inside yourself and see your TRUE nakedness and your TRUE 'lack of faith' you will be "humbled" before your God and your God will come to you and speak directly to you, as to what you should and should not do. If you listen and obey the holy spirit, you will recieve more. If you refrain, you will know why you refrained and what you need to do to "hear his voice again."

    Peace to you, dear one.

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