Witness parents choose to tranfuse baby to save life

by Ticker 22 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • steve2

    Absolutely great news! Let's hope that theparents' decision remains confidential so that no elders go snooping around.

    I have long suspected that perhaps more JWs than we may realise "quietly" agree to a transfusion. When a child is involved, I applaud the parents loving sense in putting the child's wellbeing above a stupid death-inviting belief.

  • eyeslice

    Makes me wonder what I would have done for my kids when I was in.

    A number of years ago when I was a fairly prominent elder in our congregation and been with a number of other JWs to see their doctors about the no blood stance before elective surgery , we organized a visit from the Hospital Liaison Committee. I was comfortable enough with the stuff they presented on ?elective? surgery and associated blood loss but could not see how the same could be applied to other areas, e.g. accidents and treatment of childhood leukemia.

    Specifically queried childhood leukemia with a couple of the members of the HLC after the special meeting. I said that the treatment childhood leukemia was one area of medical science that had really advanced over the last few decades. The treatment involves severe chemotherapy and then bone marrow transplants to replace the destroyed leukemia producing marrow. It also requires blood transfusions to replace destroyed white blood cells, etc as a result of the chemo. Obviously, lots of moral problems for JWs; could we accept the bone marrow transplant but not the whole blood, etc?

    The answer from the HLC? ?In our country the child would be made a ward of court and that would be it, they would get the treatment?. Sounded like an abdication of making moral decisions to me.

  • hubert

    So glad to read this good news.

    Too bad it takes a life and death decision to hopefully wake up many J.W.'s about the Watchtower false doctrine.


  • rebel8

    I give them 3 thumbs up!

  • ChrisVance

    That reminds me of the time my daughter needed surgery to remove a tumor from her neck. We of course told the doctor, no blood, he said he couldn't promise that. We looked for another surgeon and thought we'd found one. He had performed surgury on witnesses before and had always promised no blood. My x told the first doctor that we'd found a doctor who would promise no blood. So he, the original doctor, called the second doctor and had my x listen on another phone. Doctor no. 2 told doctor no. 1: "Yes, that's what I tell the parents, but if it came right down to it I'd give them blood." This scared us, so doctor no. 1 talked us into signing a paper that said he'd make every effort to avoid blood, but if it came down to it he'd give her blood."

    Well, the surgery went fine and as far as I know no blood was given. After she was all well I felt guilty for signing that paper. I confessed to an elder and he said, "Don't worry about, we don't always handle things like we should." You'd think they would have at least deleted me as a MS.

  • steve2
    Don't worry about, we don't always handle things like we should." You'd think they would have at least deleted me as a MS.

    Credit where it's due: What a refreshingly compassionate response by the elder!

  • Shawn

    This is truly a win for all. This child has the chance to brighten many lives and the WTS has/will hopefully lose it's hold on another family. I hope and pray that this child knows that it's parents didn't sacrifice it to the WT alter and that when the time comes he/she can make a better choice of faith and future generations can avoid having to make the same decision. An incredible story and I hope this child is okay and that the parents know they made the right choice.

  • Lois

    I hope other witnesses will use this couple's example of 'reasoning' and realize the life of this child is precious in the eyes of our Lord and the parents took a stand to think beyond Watchtower rules and regulations...therefore allowing themselves freedom...free will to make an intelligent decision on their own.

    If they are shunned or treated differently then this would be the eye opener proving true love is not in this organization.

  • lonelysheep

    Good for them for seeing through the b.s. and realizing their child's life is what's important, not the wt!

    I'm guessing their eyes are opened a great deal (I hope) since now that they can look back on their decision, they can see that if they'd follow wt rules, their child would be dead. So they obviously cannot be right about everything (anything, really), and they are not to be trusted at all...especially as anything coming from a god.

  • shera

    Awesome news! Thanks!!

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