Here Alan Parsons was more famous. But neither was a big hit.
to persons in OTHER countries than USA
by donald 15 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry but New Order has a new CD coming out :)
Also, the Pet Shop Boys rocked better than Alan Parsons. -
I liked the song "some other time" by alan parsons
but I also have some of my favorite pet shop boys songs :-)
Between 1983 and 1990, I lived in Tunesia, Greece, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, but I have never heard of that group. Of course I might not be the right person to ask, because I almost solely listen to opera. However, had they been popular, I'm sure I would have heard of them.
ballstic...alan parsins...was and IS still very popualar over here...donald
That's news to me! It's been years and years since I've heard them on the radio. Journey is cool, I don't advertise the fact that I like them as it's hardly a hip band to be into, but I still listen to them. Anybody remember the video for Wheel in the Sky? Steve Perry wearing huge bell-bottoms and gigantic platform shoes, and Neil Schon sporting an afro that the stage could barely contain LOL. I thought Wheel... was the coolest song I had ever heard back when I was a kid, it still holds up, maybe a little cheesy though with the phase-shifted chorus.