Girlfriend, Cover Yo'self!!!/Baby Phat Girlz Gone Wild!!!

by prophecor 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    What in the Hell are my folks thinking? Have we lost all touch with reality? What is with the bulging young women? Is this a new fad or something? Baby Phat Girls Gone Wild?

    These young girls, trendy is it now to share your overweight self, blatantly and boldly before the world. Bellies bulging, rolls of flab along the sides, and they make sure that you can see it, because it's openly exposed, usually covered in a shirt, three sizes too small so that it's blatantly obvious or displayed in a shortened jean jacket so that it can be visible to the entire world.

    Where have we as parents gone wrong? Or am I just an old fart? Is this just an urban ( Girlz in 'da Hood ) phenomenon, or is this a national epedemic?

    Somebody, please, help me make some sense outta' dis'!!!

  • littlerockguy

    Prophecor, sounds like what you would find in a Wal Mart Supercenter grocery section in Arkansas!

  • EvilForce

    Part of the obesity epidemic..... 20 oz colas as normal size. Biggie sized fries. Eating out as Americans and not having home cooked meals where portion sizes are more easily limited. White flour, white sugar, corn syrup, transfat, processed foods....all evil.

    That being said.... women should be proud of the bodies.... not everyone is a size 2. Women like Queen Latifah should not be ashamed of their bodies...they are very boobarific. Full figured is ok. Obese not!

  • curlygirl

    Oh what a relief!!!

    So this isn't just a trashy Washington girl thing to do? Here I thought it might just be a pacific northwest phenomenon!! Phewwww**wipes sweat from brow***

    I'm more concerned with young girls having beer guts than the fact that they are showing them off --disturbing. They just don't look healthy.


  • RR

    E ver see the Ghetto Prom website .... eewwww

  • prophecor

    That was very informative RR...and embaressing...though I was appalled at the section on canabalism, the killing, cooking and eating of babies in China, with photos!!!

    Ghetto Prom 2003 was a bit of an embaressment.

    My issue with the young women, ( Hoochies ) is that they wear their overly exposed overweight bodies as a badge of honor! It's hanging out all over the place and its sad that they wish to be viewed as they do.

    I'm by no means a slim goodie, anymore, however, I try to make myself as presentable as possible when in public, these, on the other hand, flaunt the flab in your face and are proud of it.

    I just don't get it...........

  • Dragonlady76

    I would have to agree with you on this one Prophecor.

    I used to be a size 0 and then with a baby coupled with stress and no working out I gained lots of weight, I am now a size 12 trying to loose weight by taking up running and lifting again, I so would not be caught dead showing off my fat a** and think the world should deal with it. I think it's cool to have trendier clothes for plus size women , but please don't squeeze yourself into an outfit and let your rolls hang out and think you look good.


  • under74

    Well, I think people should be proud of their bodies as EF said....but I think some of the clothing styles in fashion at the moment are gross on many girls. Everything in fashion at the moment only looks good on a size 0 and sometimes not even that.

  • rebel8

    I agree! I'm totally into people accepting themselves and having self confidence, but along with that should go some sort of dignity and desire to make oneself presentable in public. I do not want to see bare flab or cottage cheese (cellulite)!

    Ow! My eyes!

  • kwintestal

    And the prophet sayith, "Fat bottomed girls make the rocking world go 'round."


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