I remember many witness businesses that would pop up. Usually they would say "I'll just offer it to the friends to get started, then when it takes off I can pioneer". It was usually one after the other for the same people. - Vitamins - Art parties - Candle parties - Prepaid Legal What am I forgetting?
What are some of the "Get rich quick businesses" the witnesses tried?
by mjarka911 28 Replies latest jw friends
Vitamin, Herbs, Trim - Line, Mighty Auto Parts, Telephone Cards...Long Distance
To become the window cleaner of Dr Shcullers crystal Cathedral??
Had an elder try to interest me in a pyramid scheme he brought back with him from Boca Raton. Funny thing is this guy was already well off. He'd had some sort of very successful business that he'd sold for beaucoup bucks and had been able retire early. Had a nice house with a pool and tennis court up here and, I assume, owned something in FL too as he and his wife lived part of the year down there.
At any rate, he had plenty of dough, but couldn't resist making even more money. Didn't bother him one little bit to recruit the friends (many of us NOT well off) to buy into this great "business". I was such a sap that I went to a meeting at his home because I didn't know how to say "NO" (like there weren't enough damn meetings we had to go to). I did think about buying into it after his wife waved a check for $8K that she'd just received in front of our faces, but the idea of having to look at every person I knew or met as a potential mark gave me a stomach ache. I finally told him it wasn't something I was comfortable with and he mostly left me alone. Another brother said he had to complain to the PO about this elder harrassing him before the guy would stop.
Home Interiors
Mary Kay
How come they never had any lingerie home parties? I hear those are all the rage now.
Pampered Chef
One guy in Austin was into Amway; if a person didn't want to sell the stuff (so he got a comission off their sales) he would pressure them something fierce to place an order from him. I'm sure they were fine products, but he was really annoying about it.
The sisters had needlepoint-kits parties, tupperware parties, and this one brand of makeup I can't recall the name of.
Up North, a pal of mine did, in the space of three years: financial management, Klamath blue-green algae, and Melaleuca (stuff made with tea-tree oil.) I even got talked into being a Melaleuca agent, although I never ended up selling it to anyone but myself. Turns out, nearly every sis in the hall was shilling Mela's products, and the one who was above us all in the scheme was the p.o.'s wife; she got pretty mad at me when I ceased to be her agent, and ended up coming to where I worked(!) to try and wheedle me back in.
I was never into trying to sell stuff to my friends, as it struck me as being sort of tacky.
cmon..witnesses arent the only ones that fall for this.
Iridology, family photo programs, life insurance. An elder phoned me up to announce a 'little visit'. I'm thinking, a bit nervous, an elder's visit for encouragement, correction, whatever. No, he sold me fucking life insrance.
Not one person mentioned knives! For some reason the dubs in my hall were always selling knives!