Would the WTS prefer a smaller church of devoted adherents like the Pope?

by truthseeker 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Is it possible that the Society would prefer a smaller church membership with loyal, devoted witnesses? If the annual report is anything to go by, it seems that membership is getting smaller, and more are leaving over apostacy.


    Ratzinger has also said on many occasions that the church of the future may have to be smaller to remain faithful, referring to Christianity?s short-term destiny as constituting a ?creative minority.? He has also used the image of the ?mustard seed,? suggesting a smaller presence that nevertheless carries the capacity for future growth as long as it remains true to itself.

  • Mary

    I think it's a Catch-22......the WTS absolutely loves to see stats and figures and increases, but we all know that the bigger an organization, the more difficult it is to keep that tight reign on everyone.........however, it's gotta be really embarassing for them to see so many leaving over the last decade.......didn't the scriptures predict that "Jehovah will speed it up in it's own time"?? Oh, I guess that doesn't apply now...........Now we see "the love of the greater number" cooling off........either way, Arma-gettin is right around the corner--------

  • Honesty

    didn't the scriptures predict that "Jehovah will speed it up in it's own time"??
    That was a prophesy for Christians, not the apostate WTBTS.

  • Narkissos

    At least we know where Ratzinger is aiming at: smaller means better Kontrolle.

    But what may be valid for a great multitudinist Church is not necessarily so for an already smaller sect. While the WT may possibly fear losing control in case of large increase, it might lose control too with a significant decrease. For instance, the threat of disfellowshipping and subsequent shunning only works if the group can provide for a sufficient social network (including friends, endogamous marriages, etc.). Should the numbers drop, JWs would have to associate with the "world" a lot more and it would be harder to control them.

    Edited to add: as far as devotion or zeal is concerned, I doubt any new carrot or stick would make the present JWs run faster than they do. They have already been beaten and promised way too much in their short history.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    I seem to recall in the book 30 years Watchtower Slave by W Schnell that he felt one of the society's first aims was to become the national religion and even the main international religion of the world.

    I'm not sure how true this is as the idea must have been dropped a long time ago.

    With the orgs fanatical enthusings about facts, figures, hours, percentage growth and such I think they would still like to see the JW's grow in size. I don't think they give a rats ass about the quality or devotedness of the individuals as they take great delight later on in being able to kick them out when they don't tow the line.

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