Which of the following does not hold True:
Jehovah is God
Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God
Jesus Christ teaches Unity in Love
Interesting wording. Why did you phrase it just so?
Which of the following is True.............
Which of the following is not True.................
But, no..........
Which of the following DOES NOT HOLD True.
Why did you phrase it exactly that way? Explain please.
All of the above that I originally posted holds true. Jehovah is GOD, Jesus is His Son, Christ teaches to Love. This is plain truth and cannot be disputed. Once truth is established it cannot be made to totter. These questions were posed as a teaching tool to those that want to learn. In order to have a meeting of the minds, there has to be a calm and relaxed environment to learn, or to teach. All I have received in this forum is Hatred, and not Love.
How can people begin to denounce the members of the W.T.S. organization, while they display nothing but hatred? Is this not hypocracy in the highest form?
The main point to gather is that All congregations belong to Jehovah. No man has the Truth, only Jehovah can claim this. So why are there so many grudges held against those that are Truly trying to help other people learn about God? If you learn wisdom feel free to teach it as Christ did with love and compassion. That is all I am doing. This is being a Witness of Jehovah. It does not belong to anyone that claims exclusive rights to Jehovah's name and teaching.