The first congregation I went to basically was warm and friendly even though I didn't develop very many close friends there but some of the others I went to were rather scandulous in more ways than one. One that I went to Im surprised anybody is still there that has a conscious with all that went on. Was yours like that?
was your cong like out of a chapter of Peyton Place?
by littlerockguy 21 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
Not much went on that I knew of in the congs i was in. But I heard of some doozies in my 50 years [most as a witness].
I think most witnesses are too busy with the 'work' to get into much trouble. I know I was!
Elder divorced his wife and married a sister (also married), who he was "counseling", their families had been friends for over 20 years...
Another elder, been in for over 50 years, was running an underground porn empire...
That elder and his brother both divorced, (one had been married 50 years) wives from 3rd world countries (costs about $25k) and parade 'em around like they really have something...
His brother, my father, was in good standing and sleeping with/dating a 12 year old girl
Nah...everything was normal, nothing to report here...
Wander . . .that's some cool shit!
According to the Harper Valley PTA.......
yes, it was.
You betcha!
OMG, yes.
How did I know since I was not an elder or marrried to one?
I was told by one of the elders who was a personal friend . And also got info from the
congregation gossip ( a dear friend of my mother )
Did I enjoy hearing about this stuff? You bet I did.
I was such a perfect, judgemental dub. I thought I would never be morally challenged in any way.
I am ashamed to admit this but laughing at the same time.
Evi -
yeah we had a sister who had married a unbaptized publsiher she had been married before and was bringin to the realtionship 3 kids. She fell pregnant with the fourth to this one before they were married opps. Anyway late last year her older daughter was learing bout sex ed in school and went to the teacher and said thats what my daddy does to me!!!!! (As in this unbaptized pub). es
Peyton Place? More like today's sleazy soap opera.
My last congregation kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts usa was an outrageous dog eat dog back stabbing sleaze pit.I grew up there so there should have been some homebody protection i should have had protective sanctuary,don't you think?
To put things in perspective, i have no anger issues except against that kingdum hell.I worked heavy construction with hard boiled rednecks for 22 years,I have been driving for 32 years without even one traffic violation,never any road rage,don't blow my horn in anger,my record is pure as the driven snow i get along with everybody.
Hey,if someone's experience was sweet i am happy for you but mine was not and i am not going to sugarcoat the sleaze.
Undaunted Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
Actually my congregation was more like the town of Lumberton in the movie Blue Velvet
- Preston