I'm doing a literature course right now with the Open University. Its a level 2 course, and since I haven't studied literature since I was 16 I am struggling with the poetry bit.
I have analyse the following poem, and comment on things like rhythm, metaphor, simile, alliteration, metre, tone, etc.
The rhythm is the one that is confusing me. I know its rhyming couplets but apart from that I'm stumped! HELP? I'd be forever grateful!
The Horse and His Rider by Joanna Baille
Braced in the sinewy vigour of thy breed,
In pride of generous strength, thou stately steed,
Thy broad chest to the battle?s front is given,
Thy mane fair floating to the winds of heaven.
Thy champing hoofs the flinty pebbles break;
Graceful the rising of thine arched neck.
White-churning foam thy chafted bits enlock;
And from thy nostril bursts the curling smoke.
Thy kindling eyeballs brave the glaring south,
And dreadful is the thunder of thy mouth;
Whilst low to earth thy curving haunches bend,
Thy sweeping tail involved in clouds of sand;
Erect in air thou wear?st thy front of pride,
And ring?st the plated harness on thy side.
But lo! what creature, godly to the sight,
Dares thus bestride thee, chafting in thy might,
Of portly stature and determined mien,
Whose dark eye dwells beneath a brow serene,
And forward looks unmoved to fields of death,
And, smiling, gently strokes thee in thy wrath,
Whose brandished falchion dreaded gleams afar?
It is a British soldier, armed for war.