Are you all thinking straight ?

by wakeyupsey 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls

    Ahh nothing like a morning laugh

  • AlmostAtheist


    We can't see your image, it needs to be uploaded first, then link it. YOU can see it, but nobody else can. I think you can click the "files" link under your name in th box at the top left of the page and upload it that way.


  • Mary
    when one of the most inportant times in mankinds history, is taking place & the real truth is becoming available.

    You mean we're going to find out there were no weapons of mass destruction after all?!

  • kls


  • ozziepost

    The "light of truth is advancing", eh?

  • mrsjones5

    I love a morning giggle


  • Dismembered

    wakeyupsey said,

    Very worried at the total waste of time I see you all pursueing with aimless nonsense when one of the most inportant times in mankinds history, is taking place & the real truth is becoming available.

    Greetings worrywart

    Who the hell made you the all knowing one, and bestowed you with the ability to determine what is, and may be, a "total waste of time, and in your pea brain "aimless nonsense"? Huh puddin' head. You must think you are well endowed to come on here and start slinging ordure. hmmmmmmm


    "Gimme back my hat, ya punk"

  • MelbaToast

    in a word, yes.

    We should ask the same of you??

  • Undecided

    The "truth" about what? I find that truth is hard to find about anything.

    Ken P.

  • jgnat

    "real truth is becoming available"

    Hummm. I thought Truth is just truth. It sits there until you stumble across it. The availability of truth is not a matter of scarcity. It is all around us. Truth doesn't grow legs and cross the street just as it is within your grasp. Unless what you originally thought was the truth wasn't. So you have to drop what you were carrying and go looking for it again.

    Hummmm. I thought Truth is just truth. Could there be such a thing as unreal truth? No? Therefore it wasn't what you thought it was to begin with. It was a lie.

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