I feel liberated and lucky, knowing I could have lived my life in a social and intellectual vacum, but instead, I'm intellectually free.
How Do YOU Feel Knowing That YOU Were In A Cult?
by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends
I remember lying in a field after some party just as dawn broke watching the sun come up and thinking generally (as you do in a stupor) about life and the world we live in; I remember thinking that I can still appreciate natures miracles without being a JW (the sunrise was amazing); I can still worship a creator if I wished without being a JW; It was a truly liberating feeling and one I will remember forever.
This was a PM I sent to a friend when discussing this very same subject...knowing what I know now is definately liberation at its very best....free alive and well describes my everyday feelings on the subject.
I'm glad I'm out. Having come from a background of sexual abuse and alcoholism, I'm not surprised it took awhile the recognize the abusive aspects of the WTS.
I'm glad that in some small way I might help others see more clearly.
I never really realized how abnormal my life was until I got out of it. I'm glad that as soon as I became an adult I decided that the jw religion felt wrong to me. I wished I could have fallen away on my own instead of being kicked out. I think I would have felt better about the whole experience. I don't tell anyone anymore that I was a jw as a child, it only makes them look at you funny like you are a freak. I wish I had a normal childhood, but you can't turn back the clock. I'm just glad that my children will never experience such cruelty.
BLONDIE----You're doing just fine in helping people out.
Sad - for all the tens of thousands of JW's who have sacraficed their lives or lost loved ones because of the lies. Sad that I lost my childhood. Sad that I will never be able to join varsity volleyball or attend my senior prom...Sad that I didn't get to celebrate my birthday and that I missed out on all the really cool presents I would have gotten from my grandma.
Angry - that I wasted my entire 20's going door to door wasting my breath annoying people. Angry that my sisters and parents will continue to shun me and treat me as a the scum on their shoe.
I am only beginning to think of JWism as a cult. I remember 'cults' being referred to in the Organisation as religions that follow a charismatic leader - whereas JWs follow Jehovah, and are NOT a cult - I am still trying to adjust my thinking over this one, and it isn't easy, because I keep coming back to they follow ''God's Word''.
Why did ya have to go and remind me?
My evening is ruined.
Seriously, it took me a long time to admit it was a cult. To me all religions are a bit crazy but most let
you leave without so much abuse. What a waste of my youth, time, and emotional energy. I hope I
learned something from the whole thing!
E. -
For a while I felt like being in some sort of twilight zone. I didn't belong to JW anymore but I also didn't belong elswhere. I guess that's when you know you've been in a cult. At least I knew for sure.
After being sad and angry for a long time I finally became more relaxed and learned to be thankful für the experience.
Knowing that I WAS in a cult saddens me deeply for there are some people I really loved there and the fact is I will not see even a tenth of them ever again. It feels like a broken heart, I often wonder how could I love certian people so purely and yet they are afraid to even look at me. I feel so happy to be out though and am learning to live life to the fullest extent I can. (Therefore the overwhelming schedule I have/always feeling like I have to make up for lost time.)
If I dwell on it too long this old heart of mine gets a little crazy and it is not too healthy to think about the what if's of coulda woulda shoulda's.
I am just really happy to be living now and not JUST surviving.