Now...that's hot...
actually it is.......98.6 to be exact.
luv, kitty
by kittyeatzjdubs 22 Replies latest jw friends
Now...that's hot...
actually it is.......98.6 to be exact.
luv, kitty
Well see...I'm from Louisiana, so theres not much hotter than a girl who says it like it that Southern Girl kinda way...
Kitty - did you say dasani? Is that water? Because its banned in the UK I think ... there was a big hoo haa a year or two ago about it, but can;t remember why. Anyway I'm sure they wouldnt let you drink it if it was poisonous, but thought I should mention it!
crumpet...yeah, it's a bottled water manufactured by coca-cola...i don't know why it would be banned. it's the best bottled water in my opinion...i dunno...maybe it had something to do with politics. u know how that can get.
luv, kitty
kitty i have senseo.....used to not like fresh coffee cos too much bother but yeah this it as a pressie or i woulda never known...i have it with drop of double cream die for
tijkmo...of the kinsey metrosexual 10 at least class
o but btw....u gotta give some thought to your phrasing
u gotta give some thought to your phrasing
luv, kitty (of the still clueless but likes to act like she knows class)
Well I am spoiled--I buy flavored coffee beans from the grocery store, grind them, and make a fresh pot every morning. Now I can't even stand regular coffee. The beans are expensive, so I usually wait until they are on sale to buy them.
i wish that it was possible to be hooked up to an IV and receive a continuous caffeine drip all day, that would taper off in the evening so you could sleep, and come on again full force around the time you wake up...
that would be cool!
luv, kitty
Ive thanked my bean twice this morning es