The Rabbit Thing..

by Englishman 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I'm really sorry to hear about Liquidsky's loss of her bunny.

    However, virtually every woman I speak to these days says she wants a rabbit for her birthday. They seem to be really popular. One woman I know won't even go on holiday with her parents because she can't bear to be parted from her rabbit.

    Are rabbits taking over the world? What's going on here? Rabbits aren't all they seem, I'd have you know.



  • gumby

    If ya wanna know bout rabbits Mike.....go to gumbys thread about rabbits. He's like an expert on rabbits. Did you know they chew snuff...........I mean their cud?


  • Englishman

    Ah, thanks for the info, Gumby. I shall look it up ASAP.

    Your helpfulness really gave me a buzz.


  • LittleToe

    Helps his old buddy out, coz he aint so good at posting links n stuff:

  • gumby

    I was TRYIN ta not be obvious LT! People think yer conceited and stuff if ya come on too strong.

    Thanks for your help anyways though


  • Angharad

    Dylan is dropping big clanging hints about rabbits, closely followed by the observation that its his birthday soon ! We went on a school trip to a farm the other week and they had baby bunnies for sale, I was beinging to cave they were so cute !

    I used to have rabbits when I was a kid but they always lived outside, I would worry about foxes where we live now though.

    How easy are rabbits to keep in the house? Do they chew through wires etc, and do they poo everywhere?

  • Rabbit

    Well, ya' know I just HAD to look !

    Are rabbits taking over the world? What's going on here? Rabbits aren't all they seem, I'd have you know.

    Yes ! Yes we are ! I don't know who spilled the beans, but, we will hunt you down...snuggle, then horribly attack by chewing, then spitting you up and chewing you...again !

    G u m b y . . . was it you ??

  • liquidsky
    Rabbits aren't all they seem, I'd have you know.

    yeah... like the attack rabbit from monty python. =)

    "Run away! Run Away!"

  • gumby

    Rabbits are just horny little bastards who poop round balls..............................................................................come ta think about it, i'd kinda like to be one!


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    <------- doesnt think everyone understands Englishmans cheeky humour?

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