I see what you're saying, GermanXJW, but it still means a great deal of arrogance on the part of the Governing Body!
I would imagine that associating with the UN Department of Information as an Non-Governmental Organization (even for library use purposes -- and may I add here that one didn't have to become a DPI-NGO in order to access the libraries) would be something that would make long-time JWs a teeny bit nervous because of the long-standing doctrine about the UN representing the Wild Beast. Therefore, one would think the requirements would be carefully scrutinized and at annual renewal time, scrutinized again. But, no! The Society decided having that status would help it get information from the library and would help legitimize its standing vis-a-vis governments overseas, and thus arrogantly joined, and just routinely renewed its affiliation/membership/partnership/association without a care in the world until its HYPOCRISY was made public (as Confession noted above). And I have to believe that had they not been exposed, they'd still be members today, not worrying in the least about being called on their organizational "double life."