How do you think COs and DOs felt about the letter to all body of elders a

by frankiespeakin 10 Replies latest jw friends


    Most Interesting ...

    I wonder if the CO's and DO's had expense accounts from the GB ... and were double dipping by sending expenses first to the GB, then submitting a second expense form to the congregations. Maybe the GB was trying to find out who the double-dippers were. I recall that announcements were made in the congregation and we always paid for the CO's and DO's visits.

    To change the topic just a bit ... the other week I was in the mall at the food court and ran into some old family friends who were dubs. I stopped to talk to them. They spent the past 11 years in London, ON as Bro & Sr CO. Now they are moving to Vancouver. There they were in McDonalds eating alone. The only stuff they could talk about was who was the PO here and the CO there. Ick. I talked only for a few minutes, and realized this is not the kind of conversation I wish to be involved in anymore, and excused myself. I could have sat and ate with them, had I chosen to. I may be a bit naive ... This leads to my question ... WHERE WERE THEIR FAITHFUL FRIENDS IN THEIR NEW CONGREGATION? WHY WEREN'T THEY RECEIVING A FREE MEAL FROM SOMEONE? Don't CO's and DO's always eat for free?



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