OMG!!! No kidden about nightmares... I thouch molech was the cow god? Luckily Im young enough (and not bragging) to faintly remember the paradise lost book. I do however, remember taking a piece of paper to the front embossed part and making a rubbing with a pencil....dont ask me how I can remember this stuff, but most of the memories of those books are gone...I cant remember many of the pictures...Im guessing its like a selelctive memory?
What bible story....
by MelbaToast 21 Replies latest jw friends
No wonder there are so many tramatized adults who were kids of the JW 70's.
Yep the paradise book gets my vote everytime. Actually it was molek with his arms outstretched and a baby was going to be placed on his scalding hot arms. What the hell was my mother thinking about!
And theve got the nerve to question "demonic" movies for kids, like The little mermaid, cos of the seawitch.
Actually my family left when I was about nine. I started a study when I was an adult again because of the fear of armageddon was still with me, anyway, the first thing I did when I went to the hall, was look in the library and look through the paradise book, those picture still held a grip of fear. shudders-----------
I really had to think about the question for a while until I realised that as a kid I wasn't scared at all of the images. Now that's scary! Why wasn't I scared? Looking back I guess it's because I never felt spoken to. Why? Was I in an altered state of mind?
Marduke cowgod
LOL! I knew which pic you were talking about right away!
<wipes tears from eyes and blows nose from laughing too hard>
The first story that comes to mind is the one about Moses taking his son and trying to kill (sacrifice) him, and his son just passively laying there and letting it happen. Both aspects were very disturbing to me....but then again that's probably because my mother tried to sacrifice me on the No Blood altar many times. I had a passive response because I was too young to think of an alternative; I just laid there trembling on the No Blood altar.
Jezebel used to creep me out! She looked demon possessed. (And all because she wore too much makeup. hahaha) The thought of her being thrown out the window and splattering on the ground below in a twisted pile of mangaled flesh.....Well you get the picture. That is what always went through my sick little mind.
Oh and by the way, it was Abraham that almost sacrificed his son. That disturbed me as well.
The Armageddon pictures got to me because I always pictured my dad (who never became a JW so was therefore automatically judged as unworthy of Jehovah's love) along with the people on my street in those pictures. I could not fatham it. I never wanted the "new system" to come.
What a rediculious thread.......................... You think those pics and stories were scary????????????? Wait till Armageddon strikes...........If your on the receiving end of that destruction...THATS REALLY SCARY.
Well, um we were just having a conversation....If you don't like the thread, you don't have to reply. And take your bible thumping out of my face please.
*remembering what grandma said.....make your words nice and sweet because someday you may have to eat them*
I really dont think there is anything ridiculous about peoples memories from a time in our lives...and so I didnt think it was a "rediculous" thread to start, I was talking about pictures and marketing strategies that the WTBTS uses to persuade, and this is what first came to mind.
I thought the picture of the sacrifice in the Mankind Search For God where the guy gets his heart cut out of his chest was pretty sick looking
YEESH! i remember that. i give thanks to that book for sparking my interests in eastern religions. i thought, how come the hindus get all the cool looking gods like siva?....hehe! does anyone remember the painting in the Mankind Search for God book that depicted the Buddhist hell? i loved looking at that picture...buncha nekkid folks running around getting tortured...there were 2 people in that painting that had poles stuck through their butts and out their mouths. .......when i look at that pic that blondie makes me wonder....what kind of sickos are up there in New York publishing this crap for children...GOOD LORD! luv, kitty
Ouch! I had buried that book in the deep recesses of my mind ...
I dwelt a lot on the story of Lot and his daughters .. first, he offers to give them to a bunch of men to be raped, then they get him drunk and have sex with him to get pregnant ... what was really going on in that household, and note that the mother was killed as well ...
Also, I have a pic in my mind (is it from one of the publications?), of Abraham (?), w/ his son tied to the altar, ready to kill him w/ a big knife. Then, the angel intervenes and says he has proven his loyalty to Dog ... well, that just makes my stomach roil ...
Jezebel being eaten by dogs .....
I'll stop typing now.