I ran. I had two episodes of falling in love with the "wrong" person. The first episode involved numerous meetings with the elders during which we both lied, and evenutally resulted in me moving away and ending the relationship, but under the guise of "moving where the need was greater." I was racked with guilt for years after that (especially since I was pioneering) and terrified that we would be found out (even though the affair had ended). But I just couldn't bring myself to confess and break up his family (he was married with young children), even though I thought I'd probably die at armageddon for my evil ways. The second time, years later, I ended up innocently spending the night at a worldy boy's house, talking (I was having serious doubts about the "truth" by this point, but was still in good standing and auxiliary pioneering). It was a saturday night. Nothing physical happened, but I knew that I would be in big trouble sunday morning with my three zealous roommates, so while they were all at the meeting, he and I borrowed a truck and snuck into my apartment and took all my stuff and left a note saying that I was having personal issues. It was a mad dash, and needless to say, resulted in complete panic on the part of my roommates, the elders, and my mom (who was in another state). I disappeared off the face of the planet for couple weeks (living with my "boyfriend") and hiding my car, but alas, I could not afford to quit my job and I was eventually tracked down at work and pulled out by the elders (my boss wasn't too happy). I wouldn't give them any details about anything, including where I was staying, and told them I just needed some time to myself to think things over. I never went to another meeting and the sense of relief I felt after leaving was ENORMOUS. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.