Hi All! I often feel that I'm on this site having a 'moan' about one thing or another but this is one confused country when it comes to any sense of law any sense of law and order in any form. Yesterday, on his way home from school, by son was attacked by someone with a record for violent behaviour, a boy of the same age. I rang the school and the police because son received injuries and was threatened with more violence if he reported the attack.
Anyway, school rang and told me that since my son pushed the boy away when he was attacked he would also be punished because as far as they were concerned it was just horse play. This lad regularly grabs other boys by the throat and punches them.
What exactly is a victim to do. Just lie there and take it all?
Oh yes! We're off to Karate lessons! ASAP!
Sad reflection on society in the UK as a whole.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Mad Max driving down the road in the UK soon!