Lately several of the threads on the board have dealt with some really deep spiritual and biblical topics. I love reading everyone's opinions and seeing links to even more detailed opinions. It has made me think though.
When I was a strong dub I thought I knew everything about the bible and couldn't wait to 'get into it' with a Catholic or Protestant priest. I knew the answer to every bible question and the logic behind it. Whatever I didn't know I could look up in my reasoning book for the publications index (before cd).
It's been this website that has shown me how conceited I was. I was completely fooled. I had no idea that I didn't see both sides of an issue. I thought the WT was providing me with both sides of an argument. I never even heard of a strawman argument before.
I'm embarrassed and feel really foolish as I think over a lifetime of smartass comments I've made to people at the doors and other places about how knowledgable witnesses are and how uninformed worldly people are.
I feel especially foolish because I thought I knew better. I thought I was different from the other 6 billion people in the world, that I had some secret knowledge that made me better than them. Now I know how it feels to have pride before a crash.
Did any of you ever have the same kind of feelings when you began to leave the "truth"?