What is the oldest witness publication you actually remember?

by AK - Jeff 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mulan

    I remember the old green Let God Be True book. That is the one that hooked my parents in 1950.

    Was it 1953 when they revised it and it was brownish?

    Jillbedford - are you sure on the release of the 'Truth' book in 1970? I was sure it was released in 1968.
    I was thinking the same thing. I am sure you are right..............1968.
  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Listening to the Great Teacher

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Why it is impossible for God to lie.

  • kwintestal
    Why it is impossible for God to lie.

    I give up. Why?


  • Quentin

    Let God Be True

    I do remember that one being around the house when I was a kid. Bibles cost a dollar. Then they came out a with soft cover in black and a brownish color for $2.50, I think. We had a whole set of pre-NWT bibles. If I remember right they were all New Testement.

  • steve2

    Earliest memory: My mother reading to my brother, sister and me from the orange book From Paradise Lost To Paradise Regained (late 50s). I loved the smell of the publications and preferred the violent pictures to the ones that depicted lions and lambs sleeping together in open fields.

    My grandfather also gave me his copy of the book by Judge Rutherford entitled Jehovah (I can't remember when it was published). I think the inside front cover and first page had a colour depiction of Jesus, depicted as a crowned king, along with his host of angels(?) on horses coming over the darkening hills bringing vengeance upon the wicked. What a stirring picture it was!! Ah, if only it had been true!!!

  • bennyk

    "Paradise Lost" (scary for children) and the HUGE "Babylon" book (boring for EVERYBODY).

    (steve2: "Jehovah" was published in 1934)

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Listening To The Great Teacher was the first one I remember. I always thought the 2 colour pictures in the society's publications were funny. It was like looking at a scene from the bible through a candy wrapper.

  • IP_SEC

    Hahha God's Kingdom of a 1000 Years in the bookstudly. Big yellow and stupid. I was little and thought the 1000 years referece was to how long it would take to finish it!! No kidding! :)

  • xjw_b12

    Grandfather had the Golden Age and some other magazine I don't remember the name of. I think they were in bound volumes but he may have catalogued them in binders. I believe he had the Studies in the Scriptures as well.

    And that pink/orange Paradise Lost book. Still can't get that picture of Armegedon out of my head.

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