Illegals have more driving rights than U.S. citizens

by jt stumbler 51 Replies latest social current

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Here in Colorado, two Denver police detectives were shot at a baptismal celebration. One is dead the other hurting. The deceased leaves a wife and two daughters.
    The perp turns out to be an illegal from Mexico still on the run. His car was found in LA.
    This guy has a long rap sheet. He's been pulled over by police several times with a fake drivers license and ss. nothing done to him. Now if it were me that was pulled over with a fake license I would have spent a night in jail. The police just let these people go. Until someone is murdered or raped do they do anything and then the illegal just escapes to Mexico in this case. The Mexican government won't extradite because of U.S. death
    Penalty and life in prison laws. We need to change the sanctuary laws. For those that want to come to this country to work for the American dream should do so by obeying our laws and respecting them. We are being invaded.

  • target

    Tell me about it. I live in Phoenix AZ. There are so many of them that the cops can't begin to deal with it so when they stop them for running red lights (they can't read signs and don't know what the lights mean) they have no insurance or license and they just let them go.

    Another thing that irritates me is that when they are done with something like a mattress or refrigerator they just go out at night and dump it on the side of the road. They want to turn it into the kind of slum they came from. I am soooo glad we are moving out of here. June 6th is the big day.

    Don't even get me started on the theft issue. Our car has been stolen twice in the 4 years we have been here.


  • Elsewhere

    What I find amazing is that the police do not bother themselves with people who are in the country illegally. This is why certain states have been able to propose driver license for illegal immigrants - the people at the DMV will never call the cops because it isn't they job to do so!

    The police always leave illegal immigrants to the INS.

    What needs to be done is make the state and local authorities and government workers responsible for turning in illegal immigrants. No need for border fences or other things like this. Illegal immigrants inevitably have to interact with state and local government, and that is when they should be nabbed and deported. The only exception I would make would be medical personnel.

  • target


    We have Prop 200 here now that is supposed to do exactly that, make the state and city workers turn them in. It has not made one bit of difference. The hospitals are packed with them getting free medical, free to them, the rest of us pay for it. But if we do not have insurance, we are screwed. We go without.

    Remember the Berlin Wall? That is what we need.


  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    As a first generation american-mexican who has worked hard to achieve success I agree with you. It's trash like this that makes me want to say "What is so f**kin hard about building a wall to keep filth out.

    And mexico (what a joke of a country, speaking politically) will not do a damn thing to deter them coming over. You do know that the money wired to mexico from mexican citizen living in the US is their second source of income, after their oil exportation.

    edited to add

    And you can thank the good people at the aclu, for not letting law enforcement do their job.

  • the_classicist
    This guy has a long rap sheet. He's been pulled over by police several times with a fake drivers license and ss. nothing done to him.

    You Americans crack me up. We have criminals in Canada that have "rap sheets" that pale in comparison to American ones. You will usually find criminals with more than 85 charges and convictions, but nothing more than a few days in jail. Really, crime is out of control in Vancouver.

  • Elsewhere
    The hospitals are packed with them getting free medical, free to them, the rest of us pay for it. But if we do not have insurance, we are screwed. We go without.

    When you arrive at the hospital, just tell them that you are a mexican national.

    It doesn't matter what race you are - as we all know it is illegal to question a Latino looking person regarding whether they are legal or not (doing so is a great way to find yourself getting trashed on the six o-clock news). If you are a white person, just tell the hospital that your parents moved there and that is where you were born. If they ask you to speak spanish, just tell them that you grew up in an area that was populated mosly with americans who had moved there to retire.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    There are many illegals here at my job. There have been several who have left and returned with different credentials. My employer likes to hire them for monetary reasons of course. Many have said that they will work for a few years and go back to Mexico and live like kings. I need a translator to communicate with them.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    For those interested please go to following page. I copied link location but its not working. Please advise. Thanks

  • Netty

    Check out this link to a story about a high speed chase, that just happened here in Tucson. Unfortunately, this kind of thing is way too common here in Arizona.


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