A government official.........the same official observed: "Now I see normal, smiling people, even better than many people I know........."I do not belong to Jehovah?s Witnesses," wrote a newsman in the Czech Republic. Yet he added: "It is obvious that they [Jehovah?s Witnesses] have tremendous moral strength
How nice.....seeing as these uh "government officials" and "newsmen" have praised the Witnesses so thoroughly, why not print their names, positions and city they're from so we can verify that they really said this?
Jehovahs Witnesses do not hold ritualistic meetings, nor is their worship cloaked in secrecy.
Really? Then why isn't everyone invited to attend elders meetings? Why doesn't every Witness have a copy of the secret Elder's Manual? Why doesn't the Governing Body record what goes on in the Board Room and have it available for all Witnesses? Secrecy and paranoia and the very backbone of this religion.
Clearly, cults are generally understood to be religious groups with radical views and practices that clash with what is accepted today as normal social behavior.
Admittedly, the teachings of Jehovah?s Witnesses are different from those provided by the churches.
Their devotion to a self-proclaimed human leader is likely to be unconditional and exclusive. Often these leaders boast of having been divinely chosen or even of being themselves divine in nature.
Hmmm..............like say in 1919 when Jesus supposedly "inspected the temple" and pronounced these men as "the Faithful and Discreet Slave" who all Witnesses MUST follow? What's the punishment for even questioning anything the Governing Body says, no matter how stupid? I was told years ago that to question anything the Governing Body said "was the same as questioning Jehovah Himself."
Cult members often isolate themselves from family, friends, and even society in general. Is that the case with Jehovah?s Witnesses?
Well now, let's see. You're not allowed to have any friends at school that aren't in "the Truth", you're not allowed to participate in any after school activities because that's "worldy association", you're not supposed to socialize with people that you work with because they're "worldly" people, you should keep any contact with "worldly" relatives to a bare minimum and if you have a family member who's decided they no longer want to be a Witness and they're DF'd, you're supposed to cut off all contact with that person..........sounds like a frigging cult to me.
It is precisely because of this close adherence to Bible teachings that the veneration and idolization of human leaders.....is not to be found among Jehovahs Witnesses.
LMAO.....ya right.......Witnesses view the Governing Body members the same way as Catholics view the Pope. "...Even when they're wrong, they're right.." as we were told many years ago at an assembly....if this sort of warped thinking isn't "veneration" and "idolization" of human leaders, I don't know what is.
They reject the concept of a clergy-laity distinction. The Encyclopedia of Religion aptly states about Jehovah?s Witnesses: "A clergy class and distinctive titles are prohibited."
Whoever wrote that piece obviously has never tried to go above the elders' head to report a wrongdoing....try that and you'll find out real quick about "clergy class" and pulling rank in this religion.
Occasionally, anticult organizations and the media have referred to Jehovah?s Witnesses as a cult. A number of recent newspaper articles lump the Witnesses with religious groups known for their questionable practices.
So all these other religions are "known for their questionable practices" just like the Witnesses eh? Funny how they don't list this religions "questionable practices" like forbidding beards, higher education or buying a lottery ticket. What about the "questionable practice" of letting known pedophiles go preaching door to door, or showing up in court to support these molestors while shunning the victim? What about the "questionable practice" of telling people not to buy a house, get your kids vaccinated, have children, save for retirement or to make anything out of yourself?
Cult leaders are known to use manipulative methods to control the minds of their followers. Is there any evidence that Jehovah?s Witnesses do this?
Huh?? Where do we start?
Is their worship cloaked in secrecy?
Are they following and venerating a human leader?
Not just one, but a group of them.
Pointedly, are Jehovah?s Witnesses a cult?