It's weird. I haven't been to a meeting in eight years, but at least once a month, I have a dream that I'm at a meeting or out in service or at an assembly or in some other witness-related situation. It's like those school dreams where you dream you have a calculus final that morning and you haven't been to class all semester. I always wake up and breathe an enormous sigh of relief. Anyone else have similar dreams (or should I say nightmares)?
Do you have dreams that you're still in the org.?
by lucky 26 Replies latest jw friends
Yep, I do too.
It's like those school dreams where you dream you have a calculus final that morning and you haven't been to class all semester.
I have these dreams at least twice a week! I'm usually at the bookstudy without a book, and wondering how I got there! I feel very uncomfortable, like I want to RUN, almost panic-stricken, but I'm too embarrassed to do so.
Since I'm stuck with these dreams, I'm looking forward to the ones where I stand up and tell everyone just what BS this all is!
I never dream about being at the meetings or anything but I do dream about my parents and my sisters and sometimes about Armageddon. Mostly I dream that I'm in an alternate reality where my parents were normal and that we all get on. I don't have to think of myself as an orphan in them.
Yes,I still do! I have been out seince 93-94 ,and still have dreams I am involved with them or going back! LOL LOL!!
Last dream,I had a visit and they tried to "witness to me",I told them in the dream,no thankyou,don't believe the garbage any more.
are you two long lost twins?(shera and crumpet)guess not, different ages, but you sure look alike!
I regularly have dreams of various convention sites. The dreams almost always take place in the hallways, where I've lost something or someone and can't find it. The elders mingling in the crowd walking the halls are always big, with dark glasses and black suits, with rigid faces. They always walk in twos, and I usually try to avoid them.
I hate those, they leave me with an unsettled feeling all day.
I don't have any dreams about still being a JW, at least not that I can recall when I wake up.
When I was still in, I used to dream about reading specific Bible verses (I'd remember the exact chapter and verse)...only problem was that the Bible books I dreamt they were in don't exist (ie...3 Peter).
What I do dream quite often is that I have a bunch of pets that mostly live in the basement that I've forgotten to feed for a long time. Suddenly I remember them and wake up in a panic. I don't know why I dream this. I have never ever starved a pet that I've owned and do not have any pets now. LOL
What I do dream quite often is that I have a bunch of pets that mostly live in the basement that I've forgotten to feed for a long time. Suddenly I remember them and wake up in a panic. I don't know why I dream this. I have never ever starved a pet that I've owned and do not have any pets now. LOL
I occasionally have dreams like this---but it includes babies-not pets. I keep telling myself that all my kids are grown, but the "lost and forgotten" ones prove to be mine anyway! It's very unnerving!
There's GOTTA be hidden messages some where in these dreams, huh?
I used to, but not anymore. Seems like the longer I stayed away, they eventually went away.