Six Million Can't be Wrong .... part II

by robhic 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • robhic

    As a non-JW, I read with interest and amusement the thread "Six Million JWs Can't be Wrong..." thread. All great posts but as I was digesting them a thought occurred to me: The JW position is self-contradicting. I know that's probably not a surprise to ex-JWs, but I found it amusing.

    If 6MM JWs are so right, then, using that "logic", 1 billion Catholics must really be right. Or Muslims. Or any group with membership of more than 6MM, right? No! because the path is narrow and Matt 7:14 is cited.

    OK, then, again using that "logic", a group with less numbers than 6 MM (Scientologists at 1/2 million was noted) would be even more likely to fit on "the path", right? Why aren't the smaller religions not the ones on the narrow path, huh?

    How can such obvious (to me, at least) self-contradicting statements not provide a "Hmmmm..." moment for JWs? Like if one were to make the comment about 6MM JWs can't be wrong and I mentioned that Catholics or Muslims or other larger group must really be right, would the next statment be a "Well, but the path is narrow" one to which my reply would be about smaller groups fitting that description?

    This is circular reasoning at its finest. If I get the chance to have this conversation with my JW friend -- or one of her JW friends -- I'd like to try it. Do you think it would go anywhere?


  • kls

    Robic ,it goes like this 6 mil jws can't be wrong and yes the Catholic have 1 bil but as my jw husband would say when i asked him this during the Popes funeral with all the thousands that flocked to Paris is that the num will soon be falling for other religions because the mighty Jah will show what is really the truth and the jws will prevail . Ya get it!!

  • blondie

    Isaiah 60:22: Increase proves God is blessing you and we are in the time of the end


    The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time."

    Matthew 24:12: Decrease proves we are in the time of the end


    and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off.
  • luna2

    blondie, I used to think about that last scripture all the time and be so sad that I was obviously one of that "greater number" (of JW's, of course) who's love had cooled leaving me in line for destruction at the big A.

    How lovely to be free of that stupidity.

  • mormon 4 life
    mormon 4 life

    you are right about that but with the JW thing you got that wrong in new zealand there are alot of JWs that are converting to Mormon.

    In new zealand there are approx 4.000 JWs and 100.000 and growing it is the fast's growing church in new zealand

  • mormon 4 life
    mormon 4 life

    i mean the mormon church

  • mormon 4 life
    mormon 4 life

    and in Samoa, Tonga,Cook island,Australia THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINST is one of the fast's growing church in the world today with 300.00 convert's a year. in New Zealand there was only 70 people that were baptisde in to JW FUNNY THAT

  • mormon 4 life
    mormon 4 life

    I MEAN 379.000

  • OldSoul

    Yes. Mormon's are wonderful and JWs are comical. I get it.

  • mormon 4 life
    mormon 4 life
    AND YOU NOW IT im not ati-JW i love them and alway will im just sad 4 them

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