Is the WT under a CURSE?!?!?!?!

by Winston 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Winston


    I would like to know your view, is the Watchtower Organization under a CURSE!!!?

    I feel they are; here is why:

    1) Galatians 1:8 “However even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news let him be accursed.”

    Has the watchtower gone beyond what Paul declared as good news or is it the same as Paul taught.
    WT good news is all about them and how they are God’s Organization and if you recognize them you will be saved (of coarse they don’t leave out Jesus), it’s just that it’s of secondary importance because now his kingdom has been born and we all need to not doubt them that they are God’s Organization, to get life.

    2) 2Peter3:16 mentions that some “…are twisting ,as they do the rest of the Scriptures to their own destruction.”
    Is the wt twisting scriptures to their own destruction?
    Do they follow the scriptures really, or do they give them a little twist here and their to fit what they want them to say?
    Does the WT really love its members and would never think of keeping them in darkness on purpose.
    Will they correct a wrong understanding of Scripture as soon as it is brought clearly and humbly to their attention, or will they DF the messenger.
    Do these Scriptures only apply to those outside of the WT Org. or to anyone including the WT.

    I invite further imput.

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

  • TweetieBird

    Hi Winston,

    I have had similar feelings about the WTS. Not that they were necessarily cursed, but that perhaps Jehovah removed his holy spirit from them.

    I started feeling this way at a meeting one time where it was suggested in a talk that Jehovah could remove his holy spirit from a congregation due to the wrongdoing of just one member. I personally always thought it was pure bunk, but using that line of thinking I thought to myself, hmmmm, if that were true, then if members of the GB were engaged in some form of wrongdoing, or running ahead of Jehovah, or a thousand other scenario's (hiding pedophiles comes to mind) then what would keep Him from removing his spirit from the organization.

    After all, did he not reject the jewish religious leaders of Jesus' day? He disowned them, he could disown the WTS if they were not sticking close to his direction.

    From there I went on a search that has led me to wonder if He ever used them in the first place.

  • closer2fine



    "Can you imagine a world with no hypothetical questions?" -- Steven Wright

  • Billygoat


    Great point! I'd never thought about that. I may use that as ammunition in trying to plant that seed with my family!


  • philo

    I don't know about curses, but they are under a pile of rotting paper called 'light' detailing everything they have ever done or said:

    #They manufacture their own persecution.

    #They set inhuman policies "from God".

    #They keep saying "Armageddon is just coming" and keep investing in new real estate.

    #They tell lies, and fabricate support from the same world they claim to shun.

    #They tread on the down-trodden among their own ranks, and villify all opinions which are inconvienient.

    If that's a curse, they are cursed alright, but by the only God they have: their own organisation.


  • kes152


    Peace to you!!!

    you said:

    "1) Galatians 1:8 “However even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news let him be accursed.”

    Has the watchtower gone beyond what Paul declared as good news or is it the same as Paul taught. "

    Paul preach good news to LIVE in HEAVEN.

    WTBTS preach good news to 'live on earth.'

    Jesus said to STOP storing up treasures upon the EARTH.

    WTBTS store up their HOPE on EARTH.

    Yes, they DO teach a different 'gospel.'


  • teejay


  • lightbearer

    Dear Winston,

    I highly believe that any group of people that takes away each individual from receiving God's Spirit with the internal intimacy it produces, has negative spritual forces behind it's teachings. The Wathtower's claim is that the "slave class" are the only anointed, thus we must follow them to have the teachings of the Spirit revealed to us. This takes away our chance of obtaining the Spirit ourselves and having our very own eyes of our heart, eyes of faith, doorway to the spiritual realm of God, and direct connection with God. This is a curse in itself, a teaching from negative spiritual forces that alienate us from knowing God. Here the JW.s can learn about God, but they can never learn from God.

  • ozziepost
    perhaps Jehovah removed his holy spirit from them.

    Tweetiebird G'day. It's a thought provoking point you raise and one that has intrigued me for a long time. I've invited persons of various Christian persuasions for their opinion of this and, as you can imagine, received contrasting views.

    I haven't got a fixed viewpoint on it myself but I do wonder if Jehovah ever gave his Holy Spirit to them. Your question presumes (assumes) that He did but may I ask, what is the evidence? We know that Jesus had promised to send his Holy Spirit as a helper and that he (Jesus) would be with his disciples "until the conclusion of the system of things".(Matt 28:20) Isn't it the case that Jehovah's Witnesses (i.e. Rutherfordites) have usurped the position of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit? Isn't it the case that they (JWs) have appropriated for themselves the role of Mediator that the Scriptures give to Jesus himself? The Witnesses claim that Jesus inspected them in 1919 and gave to them the mantle. Is their any realistic basis for this? In your heart did you ever believe that? What of the modern Watchtower apologists? In their hearts do they believe that Jesus gave the mantle to the Watch Tower Society and its successors?

    So I don't find much evidence of Holy Spirit in their case, Just assertion and conjecture.

    Fortunately Tweetie (luv your new name!) we've been set free from that mental slavery.


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

  • Amazing

    HI Winston: Biblically, I see them under a 'curse' and 'twisting' the scriptures. That is why they are where they are at ... a mind-controlling systems that uses religion to build a corporate empire. One day, reality will catch up to fantasy, and they will tumble as have so many throughout history. - Amazing

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