Welcome to the forum, AntiPode!
WELCOME AntiPode. to the forum
by bem 18 Replies latest jw friends
There you are, Anti,
Glad to make you feel welcome and we all look forward to reading your posts.
The last time I pulled into a KH parking lot, with my wife (sans the children), she told me she just could not go in.
It was a clarifying moment that I chose to learn from, not control, and it solidified my relationship with her.
Smart guy eh? It's THOSE that take their leave and many are to be found here on JWD that I'm sure you'll enjoy interacting with.
Enjoyed reading your first "post"....looking forward to reading more from you!!!
Thank you 4JWY and CodeBlue...
That is probably the most important thing I have learned in life, that I never stop learning and there is much to learn from experience. What works for me may not for someone else.
As a Witness there was so much pressure to CONTROL my life, and as a result to demand that same control of my family. It always went against my intuition, besides how could I learn if I only saw things from an indoctrinated point of view, and felt there wasn't anything worth learning anyway?
It is still amazing to see and hear things as if for the first time, knowing nothing is as I had been led to believe.
That brings me to my avatar, AntiPode: I now see I was living in a world of opposites as a Witness. Pretty much if you take everything said by the WTS in the opposite way you would be more accurate. It is ironic my wife recently came across this word in a Watchtower of a few years back, using it to show how religion (except them) has been opposed to science. I chose this word also because the world is no longer flat, yet the WTS opposes science, putting it down, saying it is always changing.
Well, what does one do with a new life? It is a whole lot better with one you really love, and realizing I only have a little time here, I put as much passion into that "ride of my life" as only freedom allows. And it feels great to share it with others.
Thanks to all of you.
Welcome to JWD, Antipode!
Well, what does one do with a new life?
You ENJOY it!
No stupid boring meetings,
no ridiculous field service,
no underlining every publication that you have to tote in your bookbag every week,
no time-consuming assemblies and conventions that you have to save $$$ for
and no denying your nonJW friends and relatives of your company any more.
You NOW have time to spend as you want to,
you can go to movies that are chosen because you want to see them and not what rating they are,
you can celebrate anything and everything you want to---even Chinese New Year if you're so inclined
you can do things on ANY day of the week and not have to worry about being home before a meeting begins........
Welcome to the rest of your life!
I put as much passion into that "ride of my life" as only freedom allows
LIFE is not a journey to the grave of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body,
but rather,
to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out,
and loudly proclaiming, " WOW, WHAT A RIDE! "
-unknown author
Have a good one!
to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out,
and loudly proclaiming, " WOW, WHAT A RIDE! "
I LIKE that!
Now compare this to what a JW might say......more like "was that it?" It's sad when you spend most of your life putting your life on hold because you were lied to.....
Yeah 4JWY , I liked that phrase when they added with a chocolate bar in one hand also!!
Thanks AntiPode for the explaination on the alias I have been meaning to look it up!
That brings me to my avatar, AntiPode: I now see I was living in a world of opposites as a Witness. Pretty much if you take everything said by the WTS in the opposite way you would be more accurate. It is ironic my wife recently came across this word in a Watchtower of a few years back, using it to show how religion (except them) has been opposed to science.
Even though what worked for some of us may not work for others I for one appreciate honest heartfelt discussion on what keeps us surviving after the wts.