last names

by fairy 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Netty

    Nice meeting you too "net" how cool is that? Hugs and kisses back at ya!

  • Quentin

    Bill Titsworthy. Legaly had the name changed before he married. Didn't want his wife to be refered to as sister Titsworthy. I offten wondered what his mother thought(non-JW).

    Then there was Judy Fokes. She came to the meetings sometimes. The runnung joke was: Judy Fokes...she does!? I know it's lame, but you would have to have been there.

  • IP_SEC
    sister Titsworthy

    sounds like a high class porn name

    Oh here she is Syster Titsworthy


  • Quentin


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Sister Payne in the rear...that's tooooooo funny!

    Thanks for the laugh..


  • ColdRedRain

    We had a witness in my old hall named "James Brown". He used to be Prince's accountant.

    Also, there was this rebellious JW youth named "James Taylor".

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I knew a Ms. D. Meanor.


  • Mac

    Knew a Brother Love...

    had no Salvation Show but, he used to come fishing at our place...

    unpretentious elder...nice guy


  • tijkmo

    knew a c.o wife whos actual first name was honor

    she was on study one time when the sis taking it would ask her to comment/read/pray and at next study the student said she was surprised at sis calling the c.o.s wife 'your honour' all the time

    had a sis in my pioneer school with a funny surname and when visiting a cong to give a talk i was out in fs with bro from her old all...i mentioned i knew her...told him her name was sis dick..he said he didnt know anyone of that name so i said she probably married now so different name...he said he would still have known her

    went home and looked up my pioneer textbook with everyones signature in the back and saw it wasnt dick at was cock

    i kid u not

  • Sith

    There was a brother in our hall who was a few years older than the group of guys (all trouble-makers) that I hung out with. The brother's name was Wilcox, and he was a MS, pushing for elder. Our running joke was that we'd always address him as "Brother Will Cock". He'd get pissed and say, in no uncertain terms, "It's Wil-COX". We'd innocently reply, "Oh, more than one?" And he'd storm off in a huff. I couldn't count the times he fell for it. I know it's lame, but we were kids and his reaction was hilarious.

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