Anyone ever hear from....

by IP_SEC 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • SwampThing2


    No, I haven't abondoned the forum. Just busy with the legal stuff I mentioned. I can't wait till this suit is over so I can share with you all how this JW hast treated me. Jesus has to be shaking His head and saying "he ain't one of mine!" If it weren't for all of the help I got from members of this group, I would be pulling my hair out trying to understand his actions. However, all I have to do is read the JW rule books and I can predict his every move.

    I can never thank you all enough for helping me understand the JW's as a cult. That point of fact showed me how I had to approach the law suit. Though I don't want to give myself away to one of his friends who might read this forum, I will say that if you want to get an idea of what I have been going through, just think about the practice of shunning and you will understand. The only difference is that the courts are making him deal with me, and I am loving every minute of it.

    Talk to you again soon,

    The Swamp Thing

    P.S. To Orangefatcat: Nice to meet you and hope to get to know you soon!

  • talesin

    A flea bath, hey? Harrrrummphh! Well, no kissy and tell from this corner!


    Good luck w/ it! We will be waiting on your story ...


  • Robdar
    excuse us, Robdar....btw...good to see ya!


    I hope you had a great spring Solstice and Beltane. I thought about you May 1.

  • arrowstar

    Thanks, Robdar.

    They were quite nice. Thanks for asking.

  • Pole

    Hi IP_SEC.

    Thanks for remembering me!!!

    I logon on the site in the lurk mode every now and then. I'm sure I'll be back and posting soon.

    Nice to see you've become a JWD Jedi.



  • Country_Woman

    I haven't seen Yerusalyim for nearly a year now - his last post was 29 july 2004

    Anyone knows what happened to him ?

    I haven't seen Matty or SpiceItUp after January (this year).

    As for Vivamus: she still is on the board but very busy with her study and her work, her 2 cats and her friend (not to mention her mom with whom she has to spend time too)

  • Englishman

    Yes..I'm curious about Matty. I've still got a bacon and egg breakfast waiting for him. It's been ready since 2003.


  • IP_SEC

    Hey Pole, glad you still around. If we dont hear from folk once in a while we dont know if yall are doing well or not.

  • kls
    I haven't seen Yerusalyim for nearly a year now - his last post was 29 july 2004

    CW, he is on another site and fine

  • Country_Woman

    E-man if I was Matty, I would refuse that breakfast: by now it's having a live of his own yet....

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