But only for 144,000 JW's. If an honest JW were to read the first 3 chapters of Fox's Book of Martyrs he/she would realise the WTBTS is full of BS with the 144,000 doctrine.
It's True JW's Believe the Soul is Immortal
by Honesty 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Actually, they don't believe the 144,000 are immortal until after they die on earth and receive a immortal spirit body. They believe the same thing about Jesus, that he did not become immortal until he was resurrected. The angels, although spirits, are considered mortal.
Is that understanding still in line with that publication?
BTW, I did some research once in the WTS publications and they said in a Question from Readers, that just because an individual is immortal does mean God can't kill them. I'll try and find it.
Is that book online, or parts?
I hope this doesn't seem like a hijack.
Love, Blondie
Actually the word "immortal" simply means, not subject to death. The Witnesses believe the soul is the human body. So, the Witnesses actually believe in immortality of the soul. The human body (the soul) will not be subject to death. Remember "Millions now living WILL NEVER die"?
What part of "will never die" isn't immortal? -
Actually, 'WILL never die' is different from 'CAN never die'. They are still subject to death, if J*h chooses to kill them. It's all up to his judgement. So, no, that is not immortal -- that is mortal, but permitted to continue to live.
Not to be picky, but we are talking semantics and being picky anyhow ....
*** w90 4/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
For example, the lecture "Millions Now Living May Never Die," first delivered in 1918 and published in booklet form in 1920, told of Christendom?s failure and of the approaching end of this world.
Yes, that talk started out saying May Never Die, but then Rutherford kicked it up to Will Never Die.
when i was studying to be baptized ( life time jw..didnt get baptized tll 20's) anyway,,, the elder explained something i'd never heard before..
that we're all dependant on god for life, except the angels... and after the 1000 yrs after armageddon we wont be dependant on god for life anymore either. i think it was in the big red paradise book?
JWs believe the soul is you yourself. Even animals are souls. Genesis 2:7 "Adam BECAME a living soul." Numbers 31: 28 "one soul of 500 , both of the persons and of the sheep." They are a cult. Like most religions they have some truth in them and that is how they get you in.but most religions, you can disagree with them and they will speak and still be your friends but the WTS will label you an Apostate, which scares everyone else in the Organization and then you loose your family and those you thought were your friends.You are to be viewed as dead. They kill you spiritually.They have told so many lies about the end of the world and have prophesied in God's name and then they lie and say they never said the end was coming at any certain time but most people know they said "the generation of 1914 would not pass away before all these things come to pass." That generation passed away. The inside cover of the Awake from March1988-October 1995 said"the CREATOR PROMISES a peacfull and secure world BEFORE the generation that SAW the events of 1914 passes away." This shows they prophesied in God's name saying he[God] promised something and if God had promised that, it would have came true! What liers they are but you can expect that from an organization run by Apostates.
after the 1000 yrs after armageddon we wont be dependant on god for life anymore either. i think it was in the big red paradise book?
This reminded me of the comments on the Johannine phrase "to have life in (one)self" in the Watchtower 9/1 1978. This "life in oneself" was not given the "angels," nor "perfect humans in Paradise earth," only to Jesus and the 144000 after their heavenly resurrection -- in flagrant contradiction with the Johannine statement: "Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have (present tense) eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day."
Is that understanding still in line with that publication? BTW, I did some research once in the WTS publications and they said in a Question from Readers, that just because an individual is immortal does mean God can't kill them. I'll try and find it. Is that book online, or parts? I hope this doesn't seem like a hijack. Love, Blondie
I'm not sure if it is online. It was included in the Bible Navigator cd I bought at a Lifeway Christian Bookstore. Eyewitness accounts of Christian martyrs from the apostolic era all the way to our day. The WTBTS probably wouldn't include it on their list of recommended reading material because it describes entire Roman towns with 1,000's of Christians being killed for their faith in Jesus. It also has accounts of Christian soldiers in the Roman Army being put to death for refusing to acknowledge the emporer as Divine. In one instance on one day over 6,000 Christian soldiers in one Roman Legion were crucified for refusing to acknowledge the emperor as being Lord. So much for the WT lie about Christians not serving in the military during the first century. It also shoots down the 144,000 if you add up the numbers of Christians martyrd for their faith. -
Watchtower 1984 4/1, QFR:
From Readersยท
What is the difference between immortality and everlasting life?Endless life will be enjoyed both by anointed ones receiving spirit life in heaven and by humans whom God declares righteous for life on the Paradise earth. So if you think about the outcome, immortality in heaven and everlasting life on earth result in basically the same thing?living forever. There are, though, some comments about immortality that can be made.
The Greek word translated "immortality" (athanasia) is formed from the negative a and from thanatos, meaning "death." Immortality thus has the basic sense of ?without death,? or deathlessness. Understandably, Jehovah is the absolute source of all life and is immortal. (Psalm 36:9; 90:1, 2) This is confirmed by the fact that his glorified Son, who now "is the reflection of [God?s] glory and the exact representation of his very being," is described as "the King of those [men] who rule as kings and Lord of those who rule as lords, the one alone having immortality." (Hebrews 1:3; 1 Timothy 6:15, 16) No creature can take Jesus? life as an immortal, which makes him different from humans or spirits that can die. Further, we read: "Now that [Christ] has been raised up from the dead, [he] dies no more; death is master over him no more."?Romans 6:9.
Though immortality is, in a sense, everlasting life, immortality apparently implies more than that its possessor will live forever. It seems to indicate a particular quality of life, and it is linked with incorruption. The Bible says about spirit-anointed Christians who receive the heavenly reward: "This which is corruptible [in its human body] must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality. But when this which is corruptible puts on incorruption and this which is mortal puts on immortality, then the saying will take place that is written: ?Death is swallowed up forever.?"?1 Corinthians 15:53, 54.
Still, the Bible does not provide much detail about the quality of life termed immortality. We do know that mortal humans?even perfect humans having the prospect of endless life on earth?must eat and drink to maintain life, or they die and their bodies experience corruption. (Genesis 2:9, 15, 16) No doubt immortality involves a quality of life that does not need to be sustained like that. Thus it could be said that all who become immortal are not subject to death or that ?death is master over them no more.? That would harmonize, too, with their receiving incorruptibility, indicating that their spirit body or organism is inherently beyond decay, ruin or corruption. (Compare 2 Corinthians 5:1; Revelation 20:6.) In these ways a difference might be seen between immortality and everlasting human life.
Jehovah God is the perfect Judge who rewards anointed ones with immortality. When he in his boundless wisdom and insight determines such ones to be completely tested and unquestionably qualified for immortality, we can trust that they will forever be faithful. All whom Jehovah judges worthy of endless life, whether as immortal spirits or as perfect humans, will be able to worship him forever. Thus, in the final analysis, both everlasting human life and immortality in heaven result in endless life.?John 17:3.