ill expand more once i have the time because i dont right now. just brabbing some of my stuff from this house.
moved out
by tsunami_rid3r 10 Replies latest jw friends
good luck, be careful ... but most of all be happy and well.
I hate moving. Very very rarely do it or have to and happy for that.
Be well t-rider-3
what's going on tsunami rider? This is not the planned move to college is it? Well, I hope you are ok, hang in there man!
Take care of yourself out there, okay? Let us know what's happening when you can.
We care.
Wow, tsunami ridr has taken a long road to self-realization. I hope he picked a safe place to stay.
It's been a day and still no word.... I hope you're ok tsunamirid3r, hope to hear from you soon...
From the way things where going the last couple of months, I am willing to bet he got kicked out of his house rather than just up and moving out on his own.
yeah, I'm kinda worried that might have happened, could really screw up his plans for college. Well, let's hope for the best.
Tsu, a word of advice. Once you're in your new digs...look through the peep-hole before you answer the door. Who knows what's waiting on the other side. Land Shark, Candygram, JW...