Greetings all,
This is Brandon Bartlett, formerly 2escaped Lifers here on the forum.
Quick background: Myself, wife, and two boys (10 and 12), left the borg together about three years ago. Were DA'd a little over a year ago. Both my parents and family and my wife's parents are still "pillars" in their respective congregations. We were "perfect" little JW family, MS about to be appointed Elder, wife a pioneer, all that. Both sets of families consider us apostate and will have nothing to do with us, except that the grandparents want to see our boys from time to time.
We've had several arguments with them about them studying with the kids while visiting them, taking out in service, etc. Boys, thankfully, are becoming immune to the crap (even though we indoctrinated them rather well while in, regretfully). So, here's what happens this afternoon:
My wife's parents want the boys for the weekend. So we meet them at public spot (yeah, they are that scared of us) for them to pick up the boys. Our youngest stays in the truck when we all meet, so I go back to the truck to see what's wrong. He is getting upset, and says that he doesn't want to go to the meeting tomorrow (Sunday) morning, but he doesn't want to hurt their feelings. I tell him that he can still go visit, that he doesn't have to go to the meeting, perhaps they can just let him stay home and watch TV.
We get out of the truck and talk to her parents about this. Grandfather says that he does not want to leave our 10-1/2 year old home alone for three hours, its not safe (yet they both stay home alone quite often for a few hours at a time as they are both emotionally and physically very mature for their ages). Grandfather says that if our son comes over to visit, he will have to go to the meeting with them.
My wife and I walk off a few steps to talk privately with our son about it. He is upset, because he loves his grandparents but does NOT want to go to the meeting. He doesn't understand why they won't let him stay home by himself a little while (by the way, where they live is a very safe place, surrounded by plenty of old relatives and acquaintances in a small town close knit neighborhood). I ask our son if he can just put up with a couple hours of their crap in order to visit the weekend, and he thinks about it a while and says no, he can't.
So, I walk back to the grandparents and say something like 'why does this have to be an ultimatum, about going to the meeting. Why can't he just stay at your house and watch TV for a while?'
Grandfather: frowns, looks away, and says in a disgusted voice "I hate it when you all put me in a position like this!"
My wife: "We aren't putting you in any positon, he want's to visit for the weekend, he just doesn't want to go to the meeting."
My wife and her mother talk a little (I forget most of their conversation, because I am mad and I'm watching her father frown and pout). Finally Grandfather decides to put his foot down, and forcefully says that if our son wants to come visit, he is going to the meeting. He's not going to stay home alone because they are scheduled to take out the speaker for lunch.
We tell our son its up to him, and he finally decides not to go. Our older son decides to still go, he wants to visit. So as we are saying our goodbyes Grandfather tells our youngest in a pitiful guilt-trip voice, "I'm sorry you don't want to come with us, we miss you so much."
I almost lose it at this point, but somehow maintain my composure because I don't want to cause a scene and upset the boys with a big argument.
It continues to boggle my mind how these folks can think that their conduct is righteous and loving, and I used to be one of them. Their control issues and their blind ignorant belief that if our boys are exposed to the occassional meeting they will somehow come back to "The Truth" are stunning. How they are able to turn the situation around in their mind and blame us for the situation, rather than their ultimatum, is beyond me.
Sorry, just had to vent some. Thanks for listening!